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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

When The Ball Bounces Your Way

When The Ball Bounces Your Way

Oh I love it, really, whenever I hear someone proclaim 'WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS'.  Who does not relish those times when we are awash with all the good tidings, all the good news, all the blessings.  But our mentors never missed out to remind us that if during those times When The Ball Bounces Your Way, what else would keep you busy during those episodes?  Celebrating?  Partying?  Pampering yourself no end?  Holidaying till your body just gives up?  Or probably just locking up yourself away from your daily chores till you think you need to go back to work?  Or to your business?

Oh yea, really?  Probably you bagged the TOP SALESMAN Award? Or let's just assume you hit pay dirt with the Lotto Jackpot.  Surely you are entitled for a break, for a respite, and even for a celebration.  But for how long is it?  Is your reservoir of wealth comparable to that typical Middle Eastern Prince who, when he travels for his annual holiday in Europe, he charters an Airbus 380?  Along with a coterie of his cordon sanitaire?  I may not lay claim for having that royal pedigree but unless you are a member of the 'HOUSE of SAUD', no one is entitled to celebrate till the barrel dries up, till the chefs clear up the kitchen of their frenzied culinary preparations.  Even Former U.S. President Donald Trump who we all know as having been born with a 'silver spoon', he knows when to stop and end his holidays.

Two aspects of ethics which we need to dice and drill, namely CHARACTER ETHIC and PERSONALITY ETHIC.  While these two are very much inter-twined, we need to agree that these two subsets of ethic evolved and get shaped separate of each other although in life, it shapes up as just your ethics, inside out.

True, this issue about ethics may be more generational.  But hey, are we now to blame the millennials?  or Gen Z?  And how about us?  Don't we have a responsibility to take on that challenge to become the key influencers to shape up the latest generations who may seem to be OFF-TRACK?  As long as we DON'T get 'swallowed' by them.  I heard of stories where the influencer ended up being influenced instead.

Thing is, in our life, everything can be indulged in MODERATION and REASONABLE enough.  When all the 'LAZY DUCK' mindset becomes the norm, those are tell-tale signs that we ourselves are OFF-TRACK,  Point is, WHEN THE BALL BOUNCES OUR WAY, let's enjoy those moments but let's put a cap to it.  When the PARTY'S OVER, the PARTY has to be OVER ❗❗❗

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