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Thursday, May 26, 2022



Hey folks, how's Your PERSONAL BRANDING?  BTW, this is NOT to impose something much against your own will as I am NOT vested with such right.  But instead, this is NOT for us to do a spiel and hard sell for your buy-in.  Like it or not, even if you are aghast with PERSONAL BRANDING, by now you have your own PERSONAL BRANDING even if you are oblivious and totally unconscious about all these because THIS IS A GIVEN.

So, even much to your own protest, you might ask when did you ever have your very own PERSONAL BRANDING?  Hmmm, as early as you established your own identity even if you have not reached legal age yet.  Your character, your habits, your values, your personality and even all the chinks in your armor, all of these are inputs that built and shaped up your own PERSONAL BRANDING which unfortunately you may be unaware till now?

Now let's be brutally frank.  If you see yourself as a conscientious, responsible and well-grounded worker, does that comprise the very core of your PERSONAL BRANDING?  YESsirrrrrs if that's how you are perceived and a loud NO if that's NOT the perception about you.  See these circles.  PERSONAL BRANDING is NOT how you project yourself but instead, it is how you're seen and felt.
You might ask, is there an off-the-shelf DIY so you can put up the PERSONAL BRANDING you want?  Sorry folks, PERSONAL BRANDING is a confluence and combination of everything about you.  If at work, you're known for your eye for details, you will be branded as such and seen as such be it by your peers, your clients, your boss.  As a partner, if you are just a lousy, irresponsible and totally nonsense guy, even if you dump your partner RIGHT NOW, you CAN'T RUN AWAY from that 'notorious' PERSONAL BRANDING at all.
Build an aura of positivity and good vibes and people will be singing HOSANNAHs even behind your back.  BTW, your PERSONAL BRANDING will carry on to be your very YOU even if you get into a new relationship, even if you switch careers, even if you do a MAKE-OVER.  But for those in despair, everything is not lost if you want to overhaul and reinvent yourself to have that PERSONAL BRANDING you want✅✅✅

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