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Sunday, May 8, 2022

Historic Events Happening Once in a Lifetime

Historic Events Happening Once in a Lifetime

My sincere apologies, for the first time, I missed out posting my daily blog yesterday, Saturday, May 7th.  Why?  Because, on [and my wife's] own volition, we decided to be a part of a Historic Night That Never Happened Before [and God knows if that may be repeated in the future, if at all].  For the first time, please allow this piece NOT to be political even as I have remained apolitical throughout the grueling seven-month campaign here.  Instead, what I want to accentuate is that when democracy works, it works best for the people, for the country.

And yesterday, it was such an experience of a lifetime to be one of a crowd that was counted at one million by 9pm.  Last night, I am very sure no one can claim 'BEEN THERE, DONE THAT' because what we went through was a once in a lifetime experience which similarly did happen once across

various countries the past decades.  Name it,  the collapse of the Berlin Wall leading to the reunification of the two Germanies, the total breakdown of the Iron Curtain across Europe.  All those historic events shared the same denominator and that's the undeniable fact that people and humanity were the catalysts that shaped and drove such events to happen.  To quote historians [and NOT politicians], sovereignty RESIDES in the PEOPLE and no one [and NOT even the powers that be] can take that away from the PEOPLE.

For the third time in my life, the financial district of a Southeast Asian country turned into a sea of humanity.  Bewildering and mind-boggling is how can human bodies can get squeezed yet in a very cool and comfortable way.  No banging.  No pushing.  No threatening apprehensions around you.  There was NO YOU versus ME.  It was one huge community with the same manners, same values, same mindsets, same discipline.  What I witnessed was an instantaneous sharing of food and drinks around.  When there were cases of people fainting, medical assistance responses came in the quickest turnaround time. That community mindset a.k.a. 'BAYANIHAN' was manifested practically throughout that nine-hour event.  I'm unsure now when will I get to witness another event of such magnitude.

Fast-forward to today.  What's really the 'real power' behind 'people power'?  Today, it is social media no less. One post leads to a like, to a share.  A tweet can even get retweeted half a million times.  What this tells us today is to be responsible enough with social media. When such opportunity arises for you to be an integral part of history, grab that 'once in a lifetime' chance because very likely, that won't come again in your lifetime.  Let us NOT be a complicit part of trolls and fake news.  Let us be a part of historic events in a legitimate and morally upright practice❗❗❗

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