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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Act in a 'HEARTBEAT'

 Act in a 'HEARTBEAT'

How fast is a 'HEARTBEAT'?  Hmmm, it could be as slow as 'bradycardia' which is at 60 beats per minute or it could be as fast as 'tachycardia' which can be faster than 100 beats a minute.  Either way, it tells us that a heartbeat can be NO longer than one second, whew.

Ooops, let me clarify. Today's piece is NOT about medical or health aspects but instead we would want to magnify the fact that in every single decision in life, time is of the essence.  The impact and ramifications of the turnaround time cannot be understated because often, there are consequences where there is no UNDO.

Nothing wrong really in spending time to think thoroughly before reaching a decision point but our dilemma is that in the long run, we tend to get used to it.  We end up thinking that TIME is ON OUR SIDE? No sirrrrs, we can only buy so much time but we DON'T have the luxury to spend days when you can think about it in an hour at most or spending weeks and months when you can discuss a decision point with your spouse/partner, all within a day.

This is the 'undervalued value' of making decisions in a 'HEARTBEAT'.  Heartbeat decisions do NOT imply that you will end up with haste decisions.  On the other hand, any decision must be reached out in a painstaking thoroughness akin to combing things with a fine comb.  Many tend to gloss over that 'HEARTBEAT' value but let us not because that's a huge miss.
Yes folks, it is the 'TTD' [Time To Decide] that in truth and in fact pushes up the value of those life decisions.  The eye-opener are those decisions which we do make but still those decisions end up as moot and academic.  Why? Because it could be TOO LITTLE TOO LATE.  Imagine if you and your partner were patching things up and for quite sometime, your partner was reaching out to you, swoon over heels while you put up with your ego till one day you finally thought the relationship is worth working up again.  Only to find out that your partner has FINALLY walked away from you, whew❗❗❗

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