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Saturday, September 7, 2024

Are You More Of A DREAMER Than A DOER?

Are You More Of A DREAMER Than A DOER?

Are You More Of A DREAMER Than A DOER?  Good question I guess for today.  BUT before anything else, please DON'T get me wrong dude.  NOTHING wrong with DAYDREAMING.  I did a hell lot of DAYDREAMING all throughout my life.  DAYDREAMING [a.k.a. mind wondering] is of one of life's great enjoyments.  You can indulge in it WHEN you're stuck in a boring meeting [oops I am NOT implying that I do that at work] OR [this one, I'll admit I've done a zillion times] WHEN you are in a perennial traffic gridlock.  They reflect WHAT you want in life and something to strive for.  BUT they can also keep you stuck in life. BUT there is a shocking realization about this📗📙📘

DREAMERS get nowhere in life without becoming DOERS.  Indulging in the desired future ignores possible obstacles and therefore masks the necessity to act. BUT admittedly, for most of us [and that includes moi] DAYDREAMING can provide a source of creative inspiration.  In fact, it is a mental capacity for freedom from an immediate event toward inner thoughts and feelings💦💦💦

Truth is, DAYDREAMING is a virtual world WHERE we can plan for and rehearse future scenarios without risk.  In contrast, merely focusing on present reality does NOT give a direction of WHERE to go.  An intense FOCUS on our setbacks [and even problems]  may NOT always lead to immediate solutions.  DAYDREAMING helps problem-solving and planning for the future.  However, DAYDREAMING OR fantasizing  about our desired future may make people feel accomplished [at least temporarily].  After all, if you can imagine a world in WHICH you've achieved your goals, WHY bother pursuing them in the real world!@#$%?

Let's picture an imaginary experience of SUCCESS that diminishes the energy to translate fantasy into reality through action.  So, the bigger question is, WHY, then, are we so prone to fantasizing about the future, if doing so, in fact, reduces the chance of achieving our dreams?  True, POSITIVE fantasies are indeed so alluring and 'seductive'.  POSITIVE thoughts and images provide feelings of relaxation [a.k.a. RELIEF from boredom] BUT unfortunately, a false sense of security❎❎❎

Our takeaway:  Similar to drug addiction, we need to be cautioned about DAYDREAMING because extreme DAYDREAMERS do get the pleasure from DAYDREAMING and end up finding their private world so difficult to 'escape', literally speaking.  Psychologists have termed this as 'MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING' although it is NOT officially recognized as a disorder.  BUT if things turn from bad to worse, WHO knows we'll end up worse with just another disorder❓❓❓

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