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Wednesday, September 4, 2024



WHO DOESN'T believe in MIRACLES?  I do.  I do.  I do.  NOT because everyone loves MIRACLES.  BUT it's because I have been the fortunate recipient of those 'TINY MIRACLES' which very few in us believe, if at all.  BUT, how hard is it to sway and convince everyone that TINY MIRACLES are NOT just a figment of one's imagination?  These are REAL DEALS because they happen.  And as a personal attestation, TINY MIRACLES have happened in my life through the years.  NOT because I am pious [because I'm NOT] BUT because I am one WHO will never miss out to appreciate every single tiny thing, even if it is a single drop of drizzle on a scorching summer.  OR even one short gulp of water WHEN I am so damn thirsty and there's NO water anywhere๐Ÿ“˜๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“—

My grabbed posters here may look redundant BUT please allow me to do so, if only to accentuate that in our daily life, there will always be TRYING TIMES and worst, many times, those TRYING TIMES can lead us to frustrations or worse, even failures.  BUT should we just sulk in the face of all the frustrations OR worse, those failures?  HOW about asking ourselves, 'WHAT WENT WELL TODAY?'  By asking that inquisitive question, it becomes a positive way of looking at things.  It's akin to looking at a glass with half-water as HALF-FULL instead of HALF-EMPTY.  BUT, HOW often do we recognize a glass as indeed HALF-FULL [even in the midst of challenges we face in life]?  Maybe rarely, if at all๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

In short, NOT to overblow up things BUT in our daily life, there are many more TINY MIRACLES and this is all about opening  ourselves up to seeing those TINY MIRACLES.  In my case, in the past [and till now], I would look for them and focus on them to help me cope up.  Seeing WHAT's going well and finding the GOOD points us in the direction of GRATITUDE.  And GRATITUDE is a huge factor in living well and in our well-being๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ

More importantly, it is our very coping tool that DOESN'T take away the bad BUT instead, it makes it bearable.  So, HOW do we build that 'MIRACLE' muscle, our muscle that can flex toward the things that are going well?  Sadly, we CAN'T see a miracle now if we're worrying about the future OR all the WHAT IFs.  As the literary prose goes, THE FLOWER IS OPENING NOW TO ITS FULL BEAUTY.  TAKE THAT AND HOLD IT.  Let us be present, FOCUS on the HERE and NOW.  We tend to miss out on the FULL now if we're in the TOMORROWsWHEN we're in the shower and focusing on the hot water feeling so good as it's streaming down on us, we appreciate having it✅✅✅

Our takeway:  Let's take the cue from psychologists WHO encourage us to write down a few things you're GRATEFUL for to train your mind to bend toward a more POSITIVE bias.  It can be the seemingly smallest and most ordinary things in life.  It could be just a mug of deliciously aromatic coffee OR a conversation with a good friend.  WHEN seeing a rose, do you home in on the beautiful flower OR the prickly thorns around it?  Recently, I drove out 4 to 5 hours to have a whiff of fresh countryside air and on the way home, our host [WHO was financially strapped] handed us small quantities of token foodies.  As they say, IT'S THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTS.  That was the latest TINY MIRACLE I am blessed to receive๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

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