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Wednesday, September 4, 2024

You GET What You GIVE

You GET What You GIVE

I believe this is the most effortless one-liner we can raise because by itself, this puts to rest by stating the obvious.  Having said this, you might blurt, WHY bother to have this as our thread for today?  Simple.  You GET What You GIVE has been given lip service more often than NOT.  As much as we all hue to it, in real life, it DOESN'T consistently happen.  If at all, sporadic and random GIVES is the best frequency๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

As we hear this often, THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SOMETHING FOR NOTHING.  That old way, old school of thought that other people will help you OUT OF PURE BENEVOLENCE, may be manifestations of our surefire sign of immaturity, to be blunt about it.  We just need to dump that out of the window because in life, relationships thrive WHEN each person gives of themselves to others.  Personally, I witnessed this evolution of human relationships through the years๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง๐Ÿ’ง

Through the years, as part of my maturity, I grew to have a much better understanding as to how relationships worked BUT admittedly, I still lacked the requisite self-awareness necessary to provide some value in return to the person giving to me.  NOT surprisingly though, it seemed quite sudden, the kind of 'breaks' and opportunities I was used to receiving seemingly began to 'dry up'.  And then, during those times, I started to wonder, WHY?  Indeed, those were quite harsh lessons for me to understand how the 'WORLD WORKS'.  Fast-forward to today, as we look at ourselves and living the life we desire, let's humbly ask ourselves the question:  WHAT VALUE CAN WE GIVE TO OTHERS [with NO STRINGS ATTACHED, please]???
Frankly, it should be a no-brainer for us all that RECIPROCITY in relationships is the mutual exchange of energy and/or support between people.  Obviously, there are different types and levels of RECIPROCITY but let's NOT discuss from a business or commercial perspective BUT instead limit it within personal relationships.  To quote the late famous singer John Lennon:  WE'VE GOT THIS GIFT OF LOVE BUT LOVE IS LIKE A PRECIOUS PLANT.  YOU CAN'T JUST ACCEPT IT AND LEAVE IT IN THE CUPBOARD OR JUST THINK IT'S GOING TO GET ON BY ITSELF.  YOU'VE GOT TO KEEP WATERING IT, LOOK AFTER IT, NURTURE IT๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ
Our takeway:  WHEN we hear people speak about values like consistency, hard work and perseverance, they speak of these things because these are the attributes required for us to continue honing, cultivating and even elevating our talents in use of your unique gift.  And WHEN we fail to do so, we end up doing more than just damage to our future prospects.  WHEN we let down others, WHETHER we realize it OR not.  WHY?  Because our own talents are MEANT TO BE SHARED.  Chances are, your talent is likely NOT your words-to-minute ratio of the speed and precision with which you send out a text [SMS] message.  At the end of the day, YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE, dude๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

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