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Saturday, September 28, 2024



Do you remember passing by just outside cinemas?  WHAT do we see 99 percent of the time?  YES, we would see groups chit-chatting, smoking, probably waiting for another person.  You could also often see pairs.  BUT try to attempt finding people who may seem to be 'loners' would likely be in vain.  It's AS IF there is a huge sign outside cinemas stating 'ONLY GROUPS ALLOWED', hew!  C'mon dude, DON'T Mix & Match LONELINESS Versus ALONENESS📗📘📙

WHAT's this?  It seems going to the movies alone is like stumbling into a bathroom of the opposite gender.  Honestly though, there's NOTHING wrong with it intrinsically BUT the dismissive looks and mismatched amenities will ensure that you would feel OUT OF PLACE.  So, WHY are we in that situation?  WHY can something that is technically open to anyone, like a cinema, feel so oppressive and alienating WHEN we DON'T comply with its implicit social norm?  By myself, my theory is that we tend to confuse being alone with feeling lonely.  BUT there's a huge ocean of difference there.  WHILE feeling lonely is the distress that arises WHEN we DON'T feel socially connected, being alone is the factual state of being without company, period.  LONELINESS is a personal feeling WHEREAS ALONENESS is a neutral circumstance, like it OR not💥💥💥

In this sense. LONELINESS is a lot more diverse than ALONENESS.  We can feel lonely NOT just WHEN we're alone BUT also in marriage, among friends, in large crowds.  ALONENESS, however, arises if [and ONLY IF] we're without immediate company.  And yet, we seem to have narrowed down that 'LONELY' stereotype to a person WHO is alone.  BUT all along. I felt that the concept of LONELINESS should include people WHO feel lonely even when with their spouse, family, friends💧💧💧

BUT if there's one thing we need to agree on, it's that different things work for different people at different times.  Only try WHAT you feel comfortable with, and try NOT to put too much pressure on yourself.  And IF something ISN'T working for you [OR it DOESN'T feel possible just now YET], you can always try something else OR come back to it another time.  BUT before anything else, we got to learn to be MORE comfortable in your very own company😂😂😂

Our takeaway: Sometimes, improving our relationships with ourselves as well as others can help us feel less lonely.  You may even find it helpful to start by thinking about WHAT self-care means to you [BUT take that that self-care looks different to everyone.  Thing is, DON'T MIX & MATCH LONELINESS VERSUS ALONENESS❎❎❎

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