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Monday, September 9, 2024



Only PASSION Can Stop CONSUMERISM.  BUT you might ask, WHAT'S CONSUMERISM?  Let's go by the books WHERE it is defined as an economic theory that consumer spending is the key to individual WELL-BEING [?????].  Can we believe that?  WHO agrees to that definition BTW?  THAT this time around, our WELL-BEING hinges on our activities [spell it out loudly as S-P-E-N-D-I-N-G] as a consumer?  Just to clear up things, there is NOTHING wrong with spending as a consumer BUT to peg it to WELL-BEING???

Seriously, a few minutes ago was the first ever attempt I made to look for the definition of CONSUMERISM [and I almost fell off from my chair, honestly].  DON'T get me wrong because I am a CONSUMER through and through BUT can we agree that if we embrace that CONSUMER mindset, that might likely keep us stuck at our financial level OR even worsen, leaving us constantly longing for more and preventing us from appreciating WHAT we already have.  No sirrrrrs, this WON'T be a rant about how we should stop striving for more because in fact and in truth, having aspirations is simply great. BUT having said this, sadly, most of our GOALS are often driven by CONSUMERISM!@#$%?

Regrettably, we want something NOT because we are passionate about it OR because it makes us happy BUT more often than NOT, we desire things simply for the sake of consuming them.  Unfortunately, by the definition of CONSUMERISM, we can see that CONSUMERISM aims to achieve happiness and fulfillment alongside status.  HOWEVER, here lies the biggest question behind CONSUMERISM.  Is this HAPPINESS real OR is it merely a result of the flood of CHEMICALS in our brains???

Is it REALLY [moi doubts it] genuine HAPPINESS OR just the satisfaction of conforming to the norms of this CONSUMERISM-driven world?  So, the brutally frank question is, ISN'T CONSUMERISM simply a form of materialism?  If so, HOW can it bring happiness?  In the end, CONSUMING does NOT bring lasting HAPPINESS, at least that's HOW I do observe.  Instead, let us consider that true HAPPINESS stems from a genuine passion for lifeπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

Our takeaway:  CONSUMERISM keeps us financially constrained, unsuccessful and even unmotivated.  It tends to accentuate deficiencies we have and feeds on 'HUMAN GREED'.  And once we develop a PASSION FOR LIFE, we can break free from this vicious cycle.  We WON'T feel like we DON'T belong OR that we lack something.  PASSION is something that CANNOT be lacking because it is WHAT propels the world to move forward.  Instead of getting fixated on consumption and remaining in a state of the lack-mentality, we should instead redirect our focus and energy toward living the life filled with PASSION.  Dude, let us NOT do things solely for CONSUMERISTIC or MATERIALISTIC reasons.  Let us LIVE LIFE fueled by our PASSION for itπŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œ

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