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Thursday, September 26, 2024

"Health Is Wealth" [EXACTLY]!

"Health Is Wealth" [EXACTLY]!

Few months ago, I had a 'mini-reunion' with several classmates from way back my elementary and high school.  You'll be surprised, half of the hours of chats we had was spent about random recalls of our classmates.  And WHAT shocked was the long list of classmates WHO have either passed away or going through their respective health issues.  The recurring sad insight for those sad demises was that 100 percent of them died NOT because of accidents OR anything that's CSI-related BUT instead, all of them passed away because of various health-related issues.   This brings me to this realization that indeed  "Health Is Wealth" [EXACTLY]📗📙📘

WHAT does all these mean?  THAT bad HEALTH costs money.  And worst, THAT bad HEALTH costs our lives.  Now, you must have heard HEALTH IS WEALTH a zillion times.  YES, that gives a big meaning to our lives as health is considered the most valuable and precious aspect of every individual's life.  Indeed, the saying HEALTH IS WEALTH means that HEALTH is the biggest wealth anybody can have💥💥💥

YES, anything can be achieved if we have GOOD HEALTH and it is NOT enough to have money alone we can make good use of WEALTH only if we have GOOD HEALTH.  BTW, GOOD HEALTH does NOT mean OR refer only to the absence of disease in the body BUT a complete physical, mental, social as well as spiritual well-being of an individual.  WHO said "A MAN TOO BUSY TO TAKE CARE OF HIS HEALTH IS LIKE A MECHANIC TOO BUSY TO TAKE CARE OF HIS TOOLS"💦💦💦

HEALTH, being soundly considered as the BIGGEST WEALTH IN LIFE, brings desired happiness, enjoyment and pleasure.  This simply implies that HEALTH strongly influences a person's capability to enjoy the WEALTH which he/she might have amassed.  Just to state the obvious, let's rattle off the benefits of being HEALTHY

  • All-round well-being.
  • Reduced chances of depression.
  • Increased changes of living longer.
  • Having stronger muscles and bones.  
  • Achieving a reinforced immunity from illnesses.
Our takeaway:  Let's ask ourselves, WHAT is more important than my overall well-being?  WHAT's the point of grinding and 'kicking your ass damn hard' [pardon this hyperbole] if at the end of the day, you will fall prey to various illnesses?  So, WHAT's the antidote.  I am NO expert but since I embraced a 'major change' in my HEALTH and lifestyle four months ago, I've been waking up early morning everyday and walk for one full hour to catch that Vitamin D from the early morning sunlight.  Yes, I have embraced the fact that HEALTH IS WEALTH😁😁😁

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