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Friday, September 6, 2024



How many times you were 'cooking' an IDEA in your mind?  Surely, it's a zillion times.  That was the bonus question.  Now for the challenging ones.  WHAT's the 'SUCCESS PERCENTAGE' of those IDEAS turning into REALITY?  Surely, that's a damn super-duper tough question.  At work, HOW many times have we heard someone blurt out "THAT'S A GREAT IDEA".  BUT we run a full circle and ask the same question.  WHAT's the 'SUCCESS PERCENTAGE' of those IDEAS turning into REALITY?  Surely, it is a very minuscule number, which, WHEN rounded off, will turn out to be an extremely negligible number to even talk aboutπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

And those harsh realities are NOT far different even at the workplace.  That explains WHY at the workplace, once commitments have been secured [both executive support and financial] for a possible project, it gets stamped as a new project and a project manager gets assigned.  NOW, here's a bomb about to be dropped.  Do we know that, on average, between 20-60% of projects are considered unsuccessful based on basic criteria like budget overruns, missed deadlines or failure to meet the project goalsπŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š

In short, WHAT's the prognosis?  First off, WHY do IDEAS remain as such?  WHAT typically happens?  Most of the time, NOTHING, to be blunt about it.  Many great ideas remain dormant because people either DON'T have the courage, resources, time and/or money to take action.  And If I may add another crucial variable, it's WILLPOWER.  BUT let's step back.  Assuming approximately 50% of IDEAS do take off, WHAT happens next❓❓❓

Unfortunately, for those eventually taking ACTION, most are unprepared to say the least.  And they end up finding themselves spending their valuable time and money on a dream that simply goes astray.  BUT to put things into perspective, converting an IDEA into a reality [regardless of the required budgeted time + money] is never an easy task.  Just last week, WHEN on the fly we thought to catch fresh air in the countryside, I had to scramble for all the logistics [including finding the hotel with the amenities we need]πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Our takeaway:  I remember this quotable quote.  'GIVING IDEAS LIFE' is akin to giving birth to a child.  You must own that singular responsibility regardless of the circumstances at hand.  NO one will ever understand your idea OR the dynamics associated with it like you do.  In that regard, you are on your own and the journey will require you to learn about yourself more than anything else.  As the old saying goes, "IF IT WERE EASY, EVERYONE WOULD DO IT".  Time to TURN IDEAS INTO REALITY, dude😁😁😁

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