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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Containing Struggles In Life

Containing Struggles In Life

It is hard to accept and swallow BUT the fact is, STRUGGLING is an important phase of our lives.  Fact is, we need to face STRUGGLES to improve our love, ourselves and learn from it.  Without it, it is just an illusion of a comfort zone.  Most of us have experienced STRUGGLING in life OR maybe you are going through it right now.  BUT that is the least you should regret because psychologists say that is a 'GOOD PHASE' but it's true, it is NOT a comfortable phase to live in.  Yes we know it, WHEN we're STRUGGLING, we are trying to get out of that rut and make your life better BUT WHAT's the benefit of STRUGGLING in the first place?  Yes, STRUGGLES help us become aware of our own situation.  This is all about us  Containing Struggles In LifeπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Let's paint a typical scenario.  Most of the time, we just enjoy our lives without being present.  We just think that this day is just another ordinary and comfortable day WHILE life is NOT always like that.  STRUGGLING is giving you awareness that the situation you are in right now is NOT right OR uncomfortable.  It might give you a sign that you need to get out of this right now because it needs to be improvedπŸ’’πŸ’’πŸ’’

WHAT we often lose sight is the reality that all these STRUGGLES are an important key as we are being built to become stronger [compared to WHAT we are and WHERE we stand at that point of the STRUGGLES].  BUT the problem is, many of us [and that includes me at some points in the past], we seem to have that [misguided] belief in us that we are STRONG ENOUGH BUT try to read the real score, we could be far off from itπŸ’¦πŸ’¦πŸ’¦

WHY?  Generally, it is because we always end up the need to face the limits of our very own STRENGTH.  Sadly, sometimes we have that misguided belief in ourselves.  BUT hey dude, if there is any guarantee we are entitled in life, it is the fact that we, you, everyone else CAN'T avoid STRUGGLES.  This explains WHY it is imperative to know that STRUGGLING is a good thing in life because it might be a sign that you are being built to become stronger [than WHAT YOU ARE now]πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

Problem is, NOT many people can deal with their personal STRUGGLES and end up becoming even much worse than before.  Other than that, there are people WHO can deal with their struggles and find a happy life as an aftermath.  They would eventually succeed OR overcome their failures and STRUGGLES they face.  This is actually WHAT we all wanted, WHICH is a GOOD ENDING.  Having said that, the price of a GOOD ENDING is still quite a steep price NOT 'cheap' enough from any perspective.  BUT the thing is, we need to pay for that price, regardless if it is NOT that 'cheap'.   This explains WHY people need to consider CONTAINING STRUGGLES IN LIFE❗❗❗

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