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Thursday, September 19, 2024

[As Much As Possible] DON'T Use Mobile Phones For Major Purchases

[As Much As Possible] DON'T Use Mobile Phones For Major Purchases

I'm NOT a techie SME but we hope you DON'T take this sharing with a grain of salt.  If you've been spending time online, probably you have stumbled across comparisons of 'laptop purchases' versus 'phone purchases'.  BTW, there is NOTHING intrinsically wrong if you use your phone even for major online purchases [if that is your only option left?  LIKE being stranded in the middle of Maldives OR Seychelles BUT [As Much As Possible] DON'T Use Mobile Phones For Major PurchasesπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Again, UNLESS/EXCEPT if your phone is your online device in your everyday life and you need to initiate an online purchase of a new home appliance as you have just moved-in your new flat located at the fringes of the countryside and all you have is your phone for an online purchase?  Now, for some practical and solid reasons WHY you should favor the laptop over your phone for major online purchases:  For obvious reasons, the bigger screen makes it easier to flip between browser tabs to compare prices and so onπŸ’§πŸ’§πŸ’§

True if you've been using phones 99% for every single aspect in your life, you're most comfortable with phones BUT here's the undeniable thing:  You're NOT getting all the information on a single screen which you can see and get from a laptop OR desktop.  And for obvious reasons, WHEN making a major purchase, more information works to your advantage before you make an informed decision.  BTW, before retailers will whack me, one reason retailers would actually love it if we use our phones due to the term 'FRICTION'πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

To simply FRICTION, imagine all the Xtra steps and open windows that slow down your online purchase process and IF you've ever had your finger twitch at the wrong moment and you wound up buying the wrong seats for a Taylor Sift concert as an example, you would realize how important that FRICTION can be.  NOW, this gets interesting.  Another reason a laptop is a better choice for a major purchase is 'DRIP PRICING', remember that initial advertised price WHICH looks extremely attractive✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  Observe the DRIP DRIP DRIP pattern how the initially very low price slowly ramps up for every single ADD-ON, amenity OR adjustment adding to the cost [often BEHIND THE SCENES].  And yes, people tend to make the WORST spending decisions when dealing with DRIP pricing strategies.  Lastly, and this is a huge trap.  When we use our phone for purchases, we are also fighting against the ingrained way we tend to use phones because as we use phones more casually [versus laptops/desktops], we are prone to DISTRACTIONS.  That subtle difference may impact how well we FOCUS when making online purchases.  At the end of the day, it's your decision which device to opt for, as long as you end up with a correct, informed online purchase.  TO BE FOREWARNED IS TO BE FOREARMED❗❗❗

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