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Saturday, September 21, 2024



From our early years in school, we were always taught and reared that SPEAKING UP is our most potent tool in life.  YET, what causes us to hit the initial stumbling block?  More often, it is because we are NEW in school OR  a new joiner in the organization OR a new member in the community.  BUT hey, I thought joining a new school OR organization should be thrilling and exciting enough, right?  That potential excitement of meeting new schoolmates, new colleagues.  And NOT to miss out, that 'high' feeling of taking on new challenges📗📙📘

And NOT to mention, those opportunities of learning something NEW [which you DIDN'T know before].  And WHAT comes along as well is that swag.  WHO DOESN'T like coffee mugs, laptop sleeves, and t-shirts that tell the world about the great place you are enrolled OR you are working.  BUT, again, as a newcomer, you also want to prove that you AREN'T completely raw💧💧💧

From understanding the policies in your new school OR organization to getting a good grasp of the new norms and practices in your new school OR organization, your end-view is always to know 'HOW THINGS ARE DONE'.  Thing is, the routines you learned in the past may NOT always be the best OR most efficient, though.  Inevitably, you will encounter issues that makes you pause OR question💥💥💥

WHAT happens next?  You end up NOT SPEAKING UP.  WHY?  Because you're new.  You're worried you might offend someone OR that your own opinions may hardly count OR worse, you may be thinking that you've got limited experience to attempt in making your voice heard.  And 100% of researches confirm that newcomers speak up LESS than those 'old timers', and WHEN they do offer their insights, they are less likely to be heard OR recognized😖😖😖

Our takeaway:  There is this subtle irony that arises beneath the surface of these newbies in school OR in the organization.  We need to be aware and be cognizant that we were admitted in that school OR in the organization because of your unique capabilities [and maybe expertise].  From small inefficiencies to significant issues, you have the power to shape the future of your output, whether it's in school OR in your new organization.  And that means, SPEAKING UP.  Sadly, everyone hold sacred beliefs about being new in an organization OR school.  BUT the truth is, many of the assumptions we make are NOT true at all.  Problem is, for many newcomers, they [wrongly] think that once they SPEAK UP, a 'eureka moment' will ensue.  BUT that's NOT how thinks work.  You just got to START SPEAKING UP dude❗❗❗

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