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Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Losing A Little Juice Should NOT Be An Excuse

Losing A Little Juice Should NOT Be An Excuse

Nope sirs, today's piece is NOT about the drinks offered in your fav resto.  Instead, this is all about our 'JUICES in LIFE' which are our very strengths BUT again, losing a little juice is A-OK.  Yes it may cause some dent BUT it could wreak havoc in your life unless you're able to manage and handle it to avoid any undue hemorrhage which at worst may even be fatal in lifeπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

It's akin to driving and suddenly you're skidding and the only solution therein is to steer out of that skid.  Through the years, we would realize that we may not as in tip-top shape as it was before.  Our reflexes may be less sharper.  Our agility may have taken a few steps backward.  Even our energy levels may not have a china man's chance in the AMAZING RACE but all is NOT lost if we are losing a little juice.  It will be A-OK⏳⏳⏳

One trick I realized that seems to work is to be a NOVICE all over again.  Being a NOVICE should neither be a shame nor a stigma in life.  Learning the ropes of new interests, even non-physically taxing activities like my blogging, that should work wonders to us because I can attest that as much as I may have quite a good proficiency of English, the best way to test is not just the pudding but to eat out the cake itself.  JUST DO ITπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

Obviously, some things will be OFF-LIMITS to you, especially if you need to heed your doctor's advice.  But other than that, NOTHING is really OFF-LIMITS.  If you're into a relationship and you have been so damn boring all through your life, try to RE-INVENT yourself, taking a 180-degree turn from what you were, along in life✅✅✅

And let's face it, we all have this common ground, that of reaching our homestretch when we taper off and slow down, way away from that dreadful RAT RACE but into a pace that will rhyme with our need to really enjoy in the best quality way what life is all about for us.  So, losing a little juice should NOT cause you sleepless nights.  On the other hand, your adrenalin should remain at FULL-TANK❗❗❗

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