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Monday, March 13, 2023

Are You Smart Or Just Enough?

Are You Smart Or Just Enough?

So sorry, I'm not here to start a debate BUT Are You Smart Or Just Enough?  Oh, I snipped these two charts posted by Adam Fayed in Quora.com and to quote him farther: 'Money isn't in knowing more Money is in the execution.  If knowing more was so profitable, then all scientists and historians would be wealthy.  You can                                                                get traction with enough knowledge,                                                                experience & executional skills'πŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
It's NOT uncommon for us to have just one too many ideas popping-up here and there.  But when such ideas pile up, how sure are we that we're able to revisit and review all those [ideas]?  Whereas I did see others who are so biased with quality such that if an idea pops up and if it seems doomed to fail, dump he goesπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
In our digital age now, where do these ideas pop-up?  Oh, it's all over the place.  Sticky notes.  Notepads, Digital whiteboard So, there they are born, get germinated, get nurtured till it grows enough to survive as long as the watering and nurturing do come on a regular basis.  Regardless, DON'T just dump off ideas prematurely because you deprive yourself of another chance⏳⏳⏳
If we were to approach you with two different seeds and ask you to show me which one is a weed and which one is a flower, how would you know WHICH IS WHICH?  Do you think you'll be able to tell simply by looking closely each see?  OF COURSE NOT!  The only way ito tell is by planting both seeds and allowing them to grow.  Initially, both will break the surface with a tiny sprig of GREEN and likely look very much the sameπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
But eventually, the flower spring to life and you'll be able to identify and pull the weed while continuing to nurture the flower.  Makes sense right ?  You need to give the seeds time to grow before identifying which is good and which is bad.  But WHY DON'T we apply this in our life?  Think about it, if we do handle our ideas even at its raw state, we could then claim that we're SMART indeed❗❗❗

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