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Thursday, March 30, 2023

That Sample Size Of Your Success

That Sample Size Of Your Success

Congrats for your recent SUCCESS.  Kudos for your latest FEAT.  Big thumbs up for another milestone.  We all hear or have heard those bits and pieces of one-liners across our life.  But hey, may we ask, if you may kindly oblige please: What is the sample size of your successes till to date?  Ooooops I'll be the last one to speculate but if you may allow me to, I'll take a guess that the sampling size of your successes till to date may not be that a huge sample size yet❓❓❓

To start with, let's align ourselves with regard SUCCESS because it is often defined as the ability to reach your goals in life, whatever those goals may be.  Alternatively, another word for SUCCESS is accomplishment or even attainment or progress.  It is NOT necessarily a destination but a journey that helps develop the skills and resources you need to thrive⏳⏳⏳

Since goals are self-created, what people view as SUCCESS can vary depending on their needs, goals and situation.  But the bigger puzzle is as to why there are a few whose SUCCESSES run unabated whereas for most of us, SUCCESS comes in trickles?  Oh well, there are many different tactics to get into that SUCCESS column in life but the strategy that works for one would depend as to what SUCCESS means to youπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

If we will think of SUCCESS as doing well at work and earning a high salary, your professional goals will take priority.  But while professional SUCCESS can be a piece of a puzzle, it leaves out many other important areas of life.  Name it.  Family.  Romantic relationships.  Academics and even athletics are just a few areas where people may strive for SUCCESSπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So, what else can we do to boost your chances of achieving more SUCCESSES?  To rattle off, topping my list is to BUILD that growth mindset.  Studies have shown that people with a FIXED mindset believe that things such as intelligence are static and unchangeable.  Those with a FIXED mindset believe that SUCCESS isn't a result of hard work but just a consequence of talents.  C'mon folks, let us increase the sample size of our SUCCESSES✅✅✅

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