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Friday, March 17, 2023

Have You Cratered [Yet]?

Have You Cratered [Yet]?

Have You Cratered [yet]?  Hope NOT yet.  But to borrow a very popular and one of the most quoted one-liners, 'NOTHING IS CERTAIN EXCEPT TAXES and DEATH'.  If there's a 'wild card' in life, that's CHANGE.  And CHANGE will undoubtedly happen multiple times throughout our life.  Some CHANGES are planned, like taking a new job or moving.  Some CHANGES are unplanned [like losing a loved one or a job].  And when unexpected CHANGES hit us hard, we often feel like life is falling apart.  That's when we more often end up cratering⏳⏳⏳
The idea of life falling apart in and of itself is very subjective and sometimes personal.  There's NO standard for what it looks like.  And if I may share, I have felt like everything was falling apart several times in my life in the past.  My [scary] experiences in the past may NOT  reflect yours though.  Because at the end of the day, everyone's experience is unique๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ
So how do we take it from here?  First off, TAKE A BREAKBUT that does NOT mean giving up on your responsibilities and simply walk away.  Just take some time for yourself.  Once you identify what makes you feel like everything is falling apart [and eventually cratering], endeavor to STEP AWAY to clear your mind.  If work is quite chaotic, can you take time off?  If you're caring for a sick loved one, can someone else step in so you can have a weekend to refocus๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š๐Ÿ’Š

Taking the NEXT STEP try to EMBRACE THE PRESENT.  Simply put. that's LIVING IN THE MOMENT.  A pain from the past or worries about the future often leads us down this path.  It may seem easy to be dominated by some momentary periods where you tend to 'LOOSE' the present but you know what?  The very present is a GIFT itself.  It is when and where life happens.  This explains why I'm egging you to LIVE IN THE MOMENT๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž
Taking a step further, assess WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL [before things fall apart and crater].  When things are falling apart, the one single thing you may desire most is beyond your reach and that's CONTROL.  If we're honest enough, we probably want to CONTROL all.  But when life is spiraling, CONTROL is more often unattainable.  And that leads us to this possible safe conclusion that that failure to CONTROL may be the cause why things are falling apart, with us cratering✅✅✅

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