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Sunday, March 12, 2023

Don't Let One Wrong Scupper Yourself

Don't Let One Wrong Scupper Yourself

Allow me to quote respected American author DARREN HARDY saying 'ALLOW YOURSELF TO GO AND DO IT WRONG.  DON'T EXPECT TO ALWAYS GET IT RIGHT.  IT WILL PREVENT YOU FROM DOING ANYTHING'. That says all about our recurring dilemma and it's all because of a WRONG we might have committed.  Many times we commit a WRONG and more often than not, it becomes an impediment for us to take a step towards doing something RIGHT simply because we've done something WRONG.  But isn't it that unfair and unjust and worst, unreasonable?  To align with Darren Hardy, Don't Let One Wrong Scupper Yourself๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

One could be caught so squeezed between two warring factions, each giving an advice whether rightly or wrongly.  What is fraught with apprehension is when someone holds things in abeyance and starts to heed and hear an ill advice at that.  And I've witnessed pour souls deprived to be given to do something RIGHT simply because he did WRONG๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

Indeed, who is one to unilaterally judge something as RIGHT or WRONG if it hinges on the context and perspective.  And while this could trigger rounds of rowdy debates, let's face it.  Everyone of us is entitled to redeem himself, to recover from a slip-up, from a WRONG action.  It could be a WRONG judgment but hey, can't we give the guilty party the reprieve at least for his first infraction, as long as it DOESN'T recur⏳⏳⏳

What CAN'T be condoned is if a WRONG recurs over and over again, covered up with reasons that's just seems to be 'beyond the roof'.  I've heard 'GIVE ME A CHANCE' but hey, if that is your Nth infraction, what gives? For a repeat offender, there should be very little room to accommodate such outliers because sooner than expected, outliers will become the default common thing✅✅✅

What we need to align here is the irrational reason that once someone has WRONGED, he brings with him that stigma that will be the singular impediment to recover from that wrong doing.  Regardless, Don't Let One Wrong Scupper Yourself because that is stretching things beyond reason❗❗❗

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