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Tuesday, February 28, 2023

When Your Performance Is Abysmal

When Your Performance Is Abysmal

Maybe you're still in school and you delivered your dissertation but you felt you flopped.  OR you just got out of your company's annual performance review and the results were NOT good.  Whether you were anticipating the bad news or it was a total surprise, it still stings, right?  You might even currently be feeling some combination of embarrassment, disappointment, shock, fear and anger or you're just too worried that your job may be standing on some shaky ground?  Indeed, we'll all feel that LOW and with our shot-down motivation when our performance is abysmal but again, all is NOT lost because that's NOT the end of the world, trust meπŸ’ΉπŸ’ΉπŸ’Ή
And why do I beg you to trust me?  Oh, I've been there, felt that, done that.  And again, ALL IS NOT LOST ]not even if you got with a streak of extremely bad luck].  So how do we handle this?  First, do allow yourself to feel BUMMED OUT. While you might be tempted to protect your EGO by dismissing or rationalizing your boss' feedback, do RESIST THAT URGEπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
By giving yourself the chance to experience the negative emotions associated with failure, you'll be more motivated to do better next time. Feeling the pain now can act as powerful FUEL to prevent yourself from making similar mistakes in the future.  Once you have slightly [because I promise you, you cant get over the hump overnight], then that's the time to take a step back and focus on doing something about it.  No one enjoys getting a negative review [and things get worse if we DON'T like how  such feedback was delivered to you]⏳⏳⏳
Still, if you can look at the feedback in a objective manner, you'll benefit from it.  One step farther after you did determine the areas you to work on, do SET CLEAR GOALS no less.  Make them challenging enough but achievable. But do articulate for yourself the SUCCESS CRITERIA you need to meetπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
After the whole nine yards of your recovery plan is laid out, seek FEEDBACK.  Check it out to gauge yourself.  BTW, just DON'T gauge yourself, that's OFF mark.  Along the way, REBUILD RELATIONSHIPS because you can't underestimate the value of your colleagues because they can be HUGE in terms of influence to repair your tattered reputation  PICK UP THE PIECES, dude❗❗❗

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