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Thursday, March 23, 2023



Please DON'T get me wrong.  Either RUIN or REDEMPTION is NOT that palatable.  RUIN implying you're in tatters whereas REDEMPTION implying you're somewhere 'purgatory' clinging on flickering hopes to turnaround and rebound.  But assuming you are, so Are You Closer To RUIN Or REDEMPTION? Now let's start handicapped.  Being in RUINS mean that your situation is probably near or somewhere gutter-level, very likely hitting the 'end of the road' sooner [rather than later] whereas if you're closer to REDEMPTION, that's NOT too bad because it means you are on the upswing⌛⌛⌛

First things first.  While many times we end up as the culprit when our life is in RUINS, you better be watchful because many times, the ones intending to ruin you or your life are 'HCP's' a.k.a. high-conflict personalities.  Think of those times when someone manifesting his moods to swing wildly?  And then it leads you to ask if they're acting either unreasonably, suspiciously or they are simply antagonistic❓❓❓

BTW, do they blame others for their own problems?  Hmmm, some difficult people are just damn too hard to deal with.  Some may even be that dangerous.  Studies show that when a high-conflict person [HCP] has one of five common personality disorders [that's BORDERLINE, NARCISSISTIC, PARANOID, ANTISOCIAL or HISTRIONIC], they can lash out in very risky extremes of emotion and aggression.  And once an HCP decides to target you, they're just hard to shake off.  Unfortunately, most of the times, we end up that low-hanging prey totally oblivious of what happens next.  But as this book by Justin Miller tells us, there are ways to protect our own selves.  Embracing empathy-driven conflict management techniques, we can wiggle out from that situation๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ๐Ÿ“Œ

But as a layman, let us break this down.  First off, SPOT WARNING SIGNS, those tell-tale signs of the five high-conflicted personalities both in others and in yourself before you assess things.  Then, do consider to manage your relationships, if any, with HCPs whether at work or in your private life.  And as a practical measure, AVOID or simply end dangerous or stressful interactions with HCPs๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

So, what's our take for today?  I'd like to piggy-back on one of my previous blogs where when I said DON'T LET YOUR LOWS GET TOO LOW and DON'T LET YOUR HIGHS GET TOO HIGH.  Either scenario does NOT augur well for us.  Let's endeavor to replicate the airplane's cycle when it starts with that takeoff leading to that steep trajectory only to fly on 'AUTO PILOT' once it reaches it's cruising altitude✅✅✅

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