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Friday, March 24, 2023



Had Your FALSE STARTS Yet? Oh, that's NOT news to us at all as FALSE STARTS often happen in life.  The bigger question is, how do we handle FALSE STARTS? In the sports world, FALSE STARTS are a favorite topic even from a conceptual perspective.  In sports, a FALSE START is a movement by a participant before being signalled or otherwise permitted by the rules to start.  FALSE STARTS are common in racing sports and happen when anxiety overtakes the athlete.  In some sports, FALSE STARTS can even disqualify the participant from the competitionπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

Just like in races, life is filled with misguided or unsuccessful attempts to begin something and this can be based on our anxiety and impatience.  Sometimes, our FALSE STARTS are about a legitimate need or desire and when this happens, we can feel disappointed, demotivated and even seemingly feel like a 'cast off' in life.  Surely, we have had our fair share of FALSE STARTS and I can share some of it⏳⏳⏳

Let's face it, everyone of us do struggle at some points in our life.  I can share a trivial one but which did impact me in the past.  Every week, I want to start the work week by waking up early and be on the road to office NLT [no later than] 600am as I just hate it if I feel zapped and drained [from the horrendous traffic gridlocks on a Monday]πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

You might be inclined to conclude that FALSE STARTS are mistakes.  No sirrrrs, NOT AT ALL.  It is NOT a mistake and instead, it is a LEARNING EXPERIENCE.  Truth is, FALSE STARTS can actuallly be a good thing happening to us.  WHY?  Because we have more than enough buffer time [and probably] that motivation and energy since we're just at the STARTπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Simply put, FALSE STARTS give us the head start in RIGHTING THE WRONGS way early in the game.  Unlike snags that we hit towards the homestretch, FALSE STARTS are opportunities for us to 'right the ship' but it has to be acted on with URGENCY because time WON'T be on your side with FALSE STARTS✅✅✅

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