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Sunday, March 19, 2023

That Fire In The Belly

That Fire In The Belly

Let's go for fine dining. pick your favorite watering holes and restaurants.  Surely, included in the Chef-recommended dishes are those that feature dishes straight from the belly, whether it's from red meat or even from salmon fish.  All these tell us how mouth-watering anything that comes from the belly.  Ooooops, for today's piece, we'll spend time on THAT FIRE IN THE BELLYπŸ“—πŸ“™πŸ“˜

Swinging back into our lives, why do we really need THAT FIRE IN THE BELLY?  Again, let's go back to those scrumptious dishes whether from red meat or from the best premium fish.  Everything boils down to the belly.  I recall sharing this before.  Like at the workplace, we get SUPER-motivated when we have a very stern boss, which means, out of fear, we get motivated.  Or when we get promoted, that SUPER-motivates us.  But for how long❓❓❓

Where many of us end up on the wrong path is due to motivation being tagged as a problem, which means we start looking for a solution.  WHAT IF you end up with the wrong solution?  In the end, each attempt to motivate ourselves will likely increase that STRESS coupled with the GUILT as it widens the gap between that motivational level and the follow-through, that is between how badly we want to achieve something and our failure to achieve itπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž
We then end up with that misconception that if we only cared enough about something, we would do something about it.  But that is just NOT true.  After all, MOTIVATION is all in our mind whereas that FOLLOW-THROUGH is in the practice.  MOTIVATION is conceptual.  FOLLOW-THROUGH is practical.  In fact, the solution to a motivational problem is the exact opposite of the solution to a FOLLOW-THROUGH problem.  Point here is that our mind is essential to MOTIVATION.  But with FOLLOW-THROUGH, it's the mind that gets in the wayπŸ’™πŸ’›πŸ’š
We're all guilty at some point in the past, like when you decide to go to the gym after work but then it's time to go, we'll tell ourselves like "IT'S LATE, I'M TIRED, MAYBE I'LL SKIP IT TODAY'. Call it procrastination but truth is, you may not have that FIRE IN THE BELLY✅✅✅

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