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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Tell-Tale Signs of Red Flags in Life

Tell-Tale Signs of Red Flags in Life

Should we be searching the grounds and highways for our [potential] RED FLAGS in life?  Absolutely.  Be on the lookout for Tell-Tale Signs of RED FLAGS in Life.  You DON'T want to buckle up and go for a long haul drive only to get your car stalled in the middle of nowhere⏳⏳⏳

Relationships?  Even the strongest and tightly bonded ones sometimes weaken and just end up crumbling down like cookies.  WHY?  It's because there were Tell-Tale Signs of RED FLAGS in Life yet we sometimes [or maybe, many times] simply ignore it, kinda shrugging off our shoulders.  When two parties in a relationship seem to gradually drift apart although one of them is reaching out, guess WHO'S THE CULPRITπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

On the other hand, those tell-tale signs of problems down the road manifest right in our behavior and actions.  Easily giving up.  Quitting as swift as when lightning strikes.  Taking a "U-TURN" in decisions or directions with very limited, if at all, thorough validation and assessment of the situation including the workarounds and alternatives to it.  Or have you heard of someone who's so gung-ho to initiate things but when impatience takes over himself, he's the first one to abandon things

Or things can boil down to your very own health.  Heard of narratives when he was manifesting various symptoms of a potential illness but simply ignore it all?  OR heard of one illness that doesn't seem to worsen but instead a new illness comes to manifest then another new illness pops up until one day, the doctor declares that there are multiple organ failures, whewπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Not to scare you, we DON'T want your life journey to get stalled along the way when it could have been avoided.  Or worst, we DON'T want your life journey to end up in utter failure because that might imply you failed to detect far ahead down the road the Tell-tale signs of RED FLAGS✅✅✅  

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