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Friday, February 17, 2023

How Far Should You Stretch PATIENCE

How Far Should You Stretch PATIENCE

How Far Should You Stretch PATIENCE?  But before we get bogged down with that serious discourse, let's align with Oxford's definition of PATIENCE as that 'capacity to accept or tolerate either delay, trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset'.  So, indeed, intolerance and impatience does afflict our lives.  Why are we so impatient❓❓❓

I'm no linguist but besides 'DANKE' in German, there is this wonderful word  to describe children who can't sit still and the word is 'ZAPPELPHILIPP'.  That story of Fidgety Philip tells about the tale of a boy who simply can't sit still.  Rocking his chair at the dinner table, he falls backwards, dragging the tablecloth and everything on it.

On the other hand, this 'picture perfect' shot of a doting father patiently teaching his daughter the basics of biking says it all.  So while IMPATIENCE is NOT always helpful especially when it is aggressive or probably causing fear or worse, stress, it can be dangerous.  A concrete example is driving with that aggressive impatience, tailgating and worst, hooting a cautious driver.  When such a manic driver ever overtakes me when my family and myself are in the family car, that would be the closest shave I will endeavor my family not to agonize withπŸ’ πŸ’ πŸ’ 

On the other hand, the challenging question I had to pause before responding to, was: 'IS PATIENCE A VIRTUE'?  I'll leave it for my readership to reserve their own answer.  But what kind of troubles me is if we seem to have lost sight of the value of PATIENCE because countless studies have shown that PATIENCE enables people to accomplish things otherwise not possible.  In some of my past 'darker moments', I avoided dwelling on questions like 'WHY ME?' because that could be a pathway to negative feelings of self-pityπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

At the end of the day, let's have this analogy with the multi-fibered rope.  No matter how sturdy it is, one day it will get snapped.  And that's exactly the threshold we'll encourage you to think about.  Be PATIENT but not when that breaches the threshold when things will boomerang back to you.  Stretch your PATIENCE only when it is fair, rational and reasonable.  Beyond that, cut the crap✅✅✅

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