Humans Are 'SELECTIVE'
Nawh sirrrrrs, today's piece is NOT about these babies. They are just so 'picture perfect' they're worth sharing. Anathema to us [as compared to babies], we humans are 'SELECTIVE'. I can rattle off adjectives choosy, fussy, picky, discriminatory, I'll ran out of adjectives. But the truth is, we humans are just 'SELECTIVE' enough once any of our senses 'go to work'📗📕📘Allow me to share this Quora post by Gaia L. An elderly couple was vacationing in the West. Sam always wanted a pair of cowboy boots and seeing it on sale, buys it, wears them home, walks proud enough into their room and tells wifey: Notice anything different sweetie?' And she says, 'Nope' then Sam says excitedly 'Come on sweetie, take a good look. Notice something different?' She blurts out 'Nope'💎💎💎Frustrated, Sam storms back to the bathroom, undresses and walks back into the room completely naked except for the boots and frustratingly, he blurts again, 'Notice anything different?' Then sweetie finally says it all: 'Sam, what's different? It was hanging down yesterday, it is [STILL] hanging down today and it will be hanging down tomorrow!'. Furious, Sam yells, 'And do you know why it's hanging down, sweetie? It's hanging down because it's looking at my new boots'. Sweetie replies, 'Should [yah] bought a hat, Sam'💊💊💊Truth is, we can have ALL [as in ALL] the fruit varieties right staring our face but the likelihood is, we humans will look for something else NOT laid out before our eyes. That vacationing couple story may be fiction but essentially, it seems non-fiction because it can't be farther from the TRUTH anyway. So what's our lesson here? DON'T assume people see what they must see. DON'T assume they will hear what they should hear. You got it all wrong there⏳⏳⏳You can be out there in the job market, so confident your solid work credentials puts one foot of yours inside already. OR your CV/Resume just seems so top heavy, only 'divine intervention' will prevent that from happening. But no sirrrrs, lest you forget, the recruiter/hiring manager is a human, so give him that elbow room to be that 'SELECTIVE'📌📌📌No one size fits all. That explains why we're here, to share my 2-cents where it's worth it.
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