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Monday, February 20, 2023

No Moral Victories In Defeat

No Moral Victories In Defeat

Sometimes [and sometimes it comes in streaks], DEFEAT would hit us in our life [and that's fine as it is part and parcel of life].  What is NOT fine is we end up [habitually] claiming Moral Victories In Defeat because in essence, there is No Moral Victories In Defeat.  A 'L' [Loss] is NOT a 'W' [Win] because you got to eke a WIN to claim that victory.  But sometimes, we tend to flip thingsπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

Problem is, when we end up getting hit with a streak of defeats a.k.a. failures, we shrug it off like 'OH THAT'S A ONE-OFF' until that one-off does NOT end up as such when defeat a.k.a. failure keeps recurring.  And instead of ending up to motivate us further, we would take it as a moral victory [even in failure].  No sirrrrs, a failure is a failure, period.  DON'T even window-dress it because that ends up like a square peg you're pushing in a round hole.  
In sports, an often used phrase is 'THERE ARE NO MORAL VICTORIES' and that phrase is extolled by coaches, fans and players alike whenever their team loses a contest.  It places primacy on the score as the only outcome worthy of acknowledgment.   If at all, we need to challenge ourselves and pursue three things as we move forward.  Firstly, let us NOT 'sacrifice the future on the altar today'.  Secondly, let us love our future self as much or more than we do to our current self.  And lastly, let us recognize the genuine miracle it was that they were present in this moment [despite our day to day grind] and never forget this and understand your responsibility.  There are just NO excuses to put in hard workπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š
Bottom line is, to quote American General Colin Powell. 'THERE ARE NO SECRETS TO SUCCESS.  IT IS THE RESULT OF PREPARATION, HARD WORK AND LEARNING FROM FAILURE'.  Hearsay CEO Clara Shih says it further, 'TO WIN, YOU HAVE TO SWIM UPSTREAM EARLY ON - AND THAT REQUIRES HARD WORK and LONG HOURS.  THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS'.  Indeed, all these quotable quotes are 'content heavy'πŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ
Yes, defeats and failures are part of the harsh realities in life but no can argue that indeed 'HARD WORK PAYS OFF'.  You can have nothing now.  You are probably scrambling to go straight to the faucet during meal times because you got NO meals on the table.  But that's NEVER the 'end of the world'.  As much as several doors of opportunities may have shut down on you, look around because one or two windows [of opportunities] will open up for you.  There are just NO MORAL VICTORIES IN DEFEAT❗❗❗

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