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Tuesday, February 7, 2023

FOFO [Fear of Finding Out] - Our Incognito Enemy

FOFO [Fear of Finding Out] - Our Incognito Enemy

Please DON'T get me wrong.  We're not hear to concoct or create imaginary enemies.  BUT truth is, we do have 'enemies' in our life and some of our 'enemies' are very much internal and worst, UNSEEN at that.  And FOFO [Fear of Finding Out], Our Incognito Enemy, is our piece today as FOFO is defined as the "PSYCHOLOGICAL BARRIER THAT STOPS A PERSON FROM LEARNING MORE ABOUT A POTENTIAL PROBLEM BECAUSE THEY'RE AFRAID OF THEY'LL DISCOVER"💊💊💊

As FOFO became familiar in the medical field, there was an increasing number of patients who needed to be treated due to FOFO.  So, going back into our life, why and when do we experience FOFO?  Real-life examples of FOFO

  1. Avoiding honest/deep/frank conversations
  2. Shunning critical feedback about yourself
  3. Refusing to reassess a critical situation
  4. Turning a BLIND EYE on a deteriorating relationship mired with constant quarrels
    BTW, only an ostrich is entitled to bury its head because it has to dig shallow holes that will serve as nests for their eggs.  BUT for us?  At the very least, it will be a scare once you exhibit those FOFO manifestations so the immediate question is, what's our antidote to FOFO?  Tap ypur emotional intelligence.  Emotions like FEAR occur almost instinctively so you CAN'T control how you feel when they hit.  BUT you can control HOW you react to those feelings
    You might get mixed up. Doesn't the FEAR you're experiencing influence the thoughts you're having?  Indeed yes BUT while you CAN'T prevent a negative thought from entering your mind, you CAN control how long you dwell on it.  So, how do we really deal with FOFO?  First option, you can allow the emotion to control you
  5. Second option is you can take control of your thoughts which may likely influence your emotions.  Between those two options, the second options the emotionally intelligent one.  So, if you're dealing with FOFO, never forget that YOU HAVE A CHOICE and DON'T let your FEAR control you, rather, you can take control of your fear by taking control of your thoughts.  No easy way out but it can be done❗❗❗

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