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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Slopes Can Be VERY Slippery

Slopes Can Be VERY Slippery

Not to dampen the spirit and adrenalin of the mountaineers and outdoor lovers but Slopes Can Be VERY Slippery.  But similar to coins, there are two sides to it.  One side tells us with a loud NO that that is NOTHING to be scared of because it WON'T lead you to something tragic and dreadful.  That is true in most cases but only for your first 'slip up'💊💊💊

And this is our most common fault which seems to have turned from 'one offs' to chronic ones.  After a first 'slip up', we would simply dust things off and proceed with the same undertaking.  So, where's our miss there?  We overlooked the need to pause and take a quick 'post mortem' as to why and what caused that 'slip up'

But the "devil's advocate" in us eventually turns cynical and would question that need for a 'post mortem' as it seems to be a WASTE of TIME ?!@# from their perspective.  If we're looking to a tandem trekking up that same 'slippery slope' and both did 'slip up' and the other one pauses for a moment 💹💹💹

Swinging back to our lives, sometimes we tend to be so 'cocky' and argue further that a recent 'slip up' was just that, a 'slip up'.  "NO WORRIES" has become a popular rejoinder in fact.  But much as people are NOT worrisome, truth of the matter, many of us who end up in a 'tragic fall' or ar least a 'near tragic' one is because we belittle the little things and little setbacks that hit us, when in fact, each minor setback pushes us closer an inch closer and closer to the brink of the ultimate failure which even sometimes end fatally
We've heard sort of 'miracle' stories of people who were suffering various illnesses but surprisingly have rebounded and they DON'T seem to intend to die in the next coming years [YET].  We've heard of divorcees who didn't know how to pick up the pieces all over again but lo and behold, they are now enjoying life when they were given a new lease of life.  So, please be wary when you're in a downward slope❗❗❗

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