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Monday, February 27, 2023



Serious question.  Are You A 'NEEDLE-MOVER'?  Unfortunately, sometimes, this question gets laughed up, with reactions like 'ARE YOU SERIOUS?'  Which means I need to do a bit of my homework and some 'hard sell' here.  Just to ensure we are all on the same page, let's agree on being a 'NEEDLE-MOVER' and simply put, it means that when you're involved either in an endeavor, an initiative or a deliverable, your involvement creates a positive impact that helps things to be done and delivered⏳⏳⏳

At the workplace, we all want to see and have a good job.  And we all want to be appreciated and recognized for our accomplishments and hard work.  And often, an employee is justified is his or her 'under appreciated' feeling but this is NOT about growth potential or intelligence they bring to the job.  To be appreciated [and for a strong organization to grow], people need to tune into where OR how they are indeed moving the needle, if at allπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

To be blunt about it, as a worker, if we want to claim that we're a 'NEEDLE-MOVER', we need to use the same gauge as our boss [for consistency if we may].  We might recognize 'NEEDLE-MOVER' as an analog idiom, like when moving the needle on a speedometer, the needle gauge on an audio VU meter or otherwise measure a meaningful difference or progress.  Indeed, context is everything but it usually means a positive or productive gain on the scale.  In the marketing space, the measurable gain would be like achieving growth goals and generating salesπŸ’ŠπŸ’ŠπŸ’Š

So what's our "SUCCESS LESSON' of moving the needle? For any company, the lesson here is that success is likely to follow when both the boss and the employee are watching and moving the same needle.  A meaningful contribution is based on a mutual understanding of what's important and how it is being measured.  So, the same question just bounces back to us: 'HOW ARE WE MOVING THE NEEDLE?', if at all.  BTW, there's a pitfall in this threadπŸ“ŒπŸ“ŒπŸ“Œ

So this 'NEEDLE-MOVER' challenge applies to us all.  You could be a student but how can you be a NEEDLE-MOVER?  If you're into a relationship, are you a NEEDLE-MOVER such that the health if your relationship has progressed enough to be robust and stable?  At work, how far have you proven yourself to be a NEEDLE-MOVER to warrant your dreamt promotion? As an entrepreneur, have you become a NEEDLE-MOVER enough to push up your revenues and further business growthπŸ“—πŸ“•πŸ“˜

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