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Thursday, February 9, 2023

Misunderstandings May Just Worsen

Misunderstandings May Lead to 'WAR'

Let me share this short story I came across from Quora.com today:  A married couple was walking through a garden when suddenly a dog ran towards them.  Instantly, the hubby lifter his wife to let the dog bite him instead of his wife.  Then the dog stopped before them , barked a bit then ran away.  The hubby then put his wife down, expecting a hug and a few kind words.  Instead, wifey said:  "I'VE SEEN PEOPLE THROW STONES & STICKS AT DOGS BUT THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I SEE SOMEONE TRYING TO THROW HIS WIFE AT A DOG".  Indeed,  Misunderstandings May Worsen'

Apologies, we DON'T intend to sow discontent or rub salt on open wounds, if any.  Instead, we'd like to highlight that NOT all conflicts and quarrels really started 'BIG TIME' as full-blown ones.  Quite often, it could be either petty, minor or differences in preferences or opinions.  What exacerbates things are words [and expletives] that get spewed out during exchanges that get heated up as it worsens.  Top it off with emotions.  VOILA, that's the best recipe to start a fire that can spread out much faster than the bushfires in the Australian Outback๐Ÿ’น๐Ÿ’น๐Ÿ’น
Gadgets?  Yes gadgets are often complicit in almost all arguments that flare up into full-blown fires.  Why?  Because these gadgets become the very tools and medium where protagonists will spew out all their boiling emotions translated into the harshest words ever.
Nope sirs, boats are NOT complicit. unlike gadgets.  But why are they in the equation?  It's because more often, two warring parties may be looking at the same thing from different perspectives.  It's like he can go HIS WAY and I'll go MY WAY.  And why can two people be unable to come to terms?  Call it hard-core STUBBORNESS that refuses to give up any quarters๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’™
What gets lost in the middle of all the friction and disconnects are the mindsets for conciliatory words and actions. positive words that will help cool down sans the 'boiling point' emotions. Dude, be wary when MISUNDERSTANDINGS MAY JUST WORSEN [unless you fix it lightning quick]๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž๐Ÿ’Ž

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