Would You Rather Be BITTER or BETTER ?
Would You Rather Be BITTER or BETTER ? Oh, this may seem to just be another casual question but dive deeper, this could all lead us to deep-seated arguments as to why we should waste our time with a play for words. But hold on. This is NOT a play for words. The message we'd like to drive is that with just a 'one letter' difference, there's a huge difference being 'BITTER' or 'BETTER'.
Sometimes, we too oversimplify our daily lives. At times, we thought that being 'BITTER' or 'BETTER' is pure semantics. But hey, being 'BITTER' or being 'BETTER' are worlds apart. How many times in our life where we 'BITTER'? And what benefits did we derive out of that 'BITTERNESS' ? I'm afraid you ended up with feelings of anxiety, stress and maybe undue and unnecessary negativities enveloping you even as you were going through your daily activities? Didn't you feel the undue burden arising from that 'BITTERNESS' which randomly may even lead you to anger and worse, to being loathsome and hateful?
Either way, being 'BITTER' or 'BETTER' could lead you to live a life that is positive or you choose, a life of negativities? Be 'BETTER' instead of being 'BITTER'. We need to remind ourselves that forgiveness is important if you want to live a positive life. Forgiveness helps you move on from the negative aspects of life.
We need to forgive people NOT because they deserve it. It is because you DESERVE a better life. Compassion, acceptance and forgiveness break the chain of resentment that keep you stuck in the past. Today, we all live busy lives. We are overwhelmed with the lure of things and material wealth. If at all, we need to remember that we are NOT alone.
No one lives a full life without having to experience at least one disappointment, setback or challenge. Every person you see in your life has went through all these. Exposing yourself routinely to universal problems can serve as a comfort particularly if you feel alone. In times of personal uncertainty and isolation, the concept that "you're not alone" is very comforting. In addition to that, seeing messages of comfort and hope cutting across becomes powerful. From this day onwards, if there is any tinge of 'BITTERNESS' still lingering in your life, please DUMP and THROW that out pronto now, AS IN NOW for you to be 'BETTER' off 📌📌📌
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