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Thursday, March 24, 2022

Fear Leads to IRRATIONAL Decisions

Fear Leads to IRRATIONAL Decisions

Let's admit it.  It just happens to be our human nature where we are amenable to discuss anything under the sun EXCEPT Fear.  Why?  Probably it seems taboo?  Or it sounds irrelevant at that point in time simply because  FEAR does not seem to prevail or hover around us.  Or is it simply because we do NOT have the antidote to finally nail down with the right dose of medicine when FEAR leads us to IRRATIONAL Decisions.

To quote American Buddhist Nun Pema Chodron, "FEAR IS A NATURAL REACTION TO MOVING CLOSER TO THE TRUTH".  Too unfortunately, we never see that coming, that we are moving closer to the TRUTH.  In fact, either we are too oblivious or simply unaware that indeed that's happening.  But we have a common denominator, it is those moments or episodes when and where we tend to be squeezed in coming up with a decision deemed crucial enough whichever way the decision goes.

Let's look back those days when we seem to be an emotional wreck.  When you're unsure as to what you should do. Just lots of WHAT IFs.  On the other hand, there are days when our mind would tend to resist all attempts to make any kind of decision at all.  Remember when you were kind of immobilized.  Paralyzed [at least mentally], unable to push that debilitating fear.

Fact is, sometime when we tend to be too reflective [a.k.a. over-analyzer], we decide to DIG DEEP within our self to find the root of that pesky little emotion that seems to be sabotaging our efforts to move forward, to whichever direction, for that matter.  Interestingly enough, I have realized in life that this brand of fear directly coincides with our decisions to live a more purposefully centered life.

But hey, if we're struggling with that fear to go off for a long deserved holiday in Maldives all by our self, MAKE PEACE WITH YOUR EMOTIONS because emotions can let you know what's important to you.  It can prompt us to take some action.  It will guide us as well toward an aspect of yourself that needs to be exposed and healed.  If there is something to avoid, it is to have that fear that leads us to IRRATIONAL DECISIONS📌📌📌

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