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Tuesday, March 15, 2022

QUOTE "You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take" UNQUOTE

QUOTE "You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take" UNQUOTE

Less I be accused of plagiarism, let me quality that the title of my piece today is quoted straight from this poster saying "You Miss 100% of the Shots You Don't Take".  Can I brag that there should be nary any arguments at all to this one-liner.  It is just so damn straightforward and simply factual.  If you are an NBA player and you got fielded in the court but you refuse to throw the ball into the cup, then you will be guaranteed that you will miss 100% of those shots you didn't take.  Whereas had you thrown up that attempt, you still have that china man's chance that that ball will go into the cup.  Having said that, it still befuddles me why many of us [including me once or twice in the past] would simply default from that chances to make it and score even if your probability is that low.
Decision points could be as casual or petty as weight loss.  Do you want to try out any of those weight loss options or NOT?  Try it and outright you can claim to have that hypothetical 1% chance of making it.  Too bad because in our lifetime, multiple times we already LOST by DEFAULT, by NOT trying at all.  Isn't that a huge waste?
You could challenge me though with tons of WHAT IFsWHAT IF I miss?  What are the consequences I need to face?  Oh my.  First of, definitely frustration will seep in.  And you have to brace yourself for that frustration because IT IS WHAT IT IS.  What happens next is ALL UP TO YOU.  But if you go by our natural cycle of TRY-FAIL-SUCCESS, then go through that cycle because eventually you'll make it.
Why is that darts board so popular? It's because it gives a very simplistic but visual view of our goals in life.  In your initial attempts to throw the dart, God knows, the dart itself may not even hit the dart's board not until many failed attempts.  And when do you think you will hit the bullseye?  Good question.  That could take you a thousand failed attempts or donkey years before you could make it.  But guess the feeling of making it.
Have you heard of some who took even close to eight years before graduating from the university?  Honestly, I admire them multiple times compared to people who I'm aware they spent eight years in university but till now, they never graduated from any course at all.  So, my last challenge question is Do you want to miss 100% of the shots you DON'T take !@#$%&

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