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Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Decluttering Opinion

Decluttering Opinion

Who says that we need to blame this stubborn pandemic for triggering the need for decluttering?  Who claims that prior to pandemic, decluttering was not even a talking point?  All these are straight away fictional because as far back as we got to live in this planet, a kibitzer or busybody will always be around us, and that includes well-meaning people with the best intentions to share their opinion to you, albeit unsolicited.  And DON'T get me wrong, people close to you do deserve to be heard, to be given that attention once they start sharing even when you least expected.  Why do you need to lend them an ear? Simple.  They have the best intentions for you.

But other than people we trust including our own family members, expect the expected.  Any Tom, Dick and Harry may never stop offloading to you his/her bottomless pit of opinion.  And guess the end result?  Likely, you may end up in a "P.A." mode a.k.a. 'paralyzed analysis.  Seriously, that is the common end-result when we are literally 'bombarded with tons of opinions that you end up fixated till you hear the next opinion coming.

Instead, don't we envision ourselves in the same shoes of this relaxed lady just biding her time on her sofa?  She just seems so decluttered and instead, so focused at the TV program she's glued at.  So, what are the tricks so that a busybody and kibitzer will hardly unnecessarily eat up your time and worse, leading you to ill-advised decisions?  It does not take a rocket science for us to figure things out though.

Simple.  SEPARATE THE GRAIN FROM THE CHAFF.  While this is no less an idiomatic expression, let us break this down in layman's terms.  Simply put, let us be capable to detect the substance from the non-substantial, the meat from the bones, the core versus the shells, the relevant versus the irrelevant, the sincere souls versus the strangers, the serious stuff versus the hollowed ones.  Even amongst friends or one's so called 'cordon sanitaire', you still need to set apart the helpful ones versus the disruptive ones.

What is it we want to achieve here?  Simple.  An environment which and where you are in FULL CONTROL of, at least for those controllable.  The right jars at the right nook, the right canister at the right pigeon hole.  With opinions, DON'T waste time to rubbish the crap and do give value to the sensible stuff.  At the end of the day, you got take reins to start decluttering opinions around📌📌📌

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