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Saturday, March 26, 2022

Is Randomness Controlling Your Life ?

Is Randomness Controlling Your Life ?

Is Randomness Controlling Your Life ?  If it is, then we've got a talking point.  But if ever you perceive that randomness is NOT controlling your life, then you're much better off than the rest of us.  Question that might baffle the confused.  Why the hell should we spend time dissecting randomness?  Simple.  A huge percentage of failures in life can be attributed to randomness as contributing to the very root cause that led to that failure itself.

Oh, what is randomness by the way?  As per Mr Webster, it is when things are happening or chosen ;without a method' or a 'conscious decision'.  Are we now a bit more enlightened?  Because frankly, I would admit, many times in my life before,  randomness seemed to be ontrolling my life.  And if you ask me, what happened next?  Oh geesh, at one point, my life was akin to a train wreck' no less.  How can you fathom situations where you 'LOST by DEFAULT'?

Can you imagine yourself, you are into decision points in your life but in a classic case of indecision, for whatever reason, you didn't come up with a decision but instead left things at the mercy of 'randomness'.  And what's the consequence when we leave things that way without lifting any finger?  It's 'anything goes'.  Whether we end up with the sky or the ground, if we left things to end up via randomness, that is NOT the path we want to encourage you to take.

Oh, we DON'T want to be that particular dot in that mammoth, that speck of dust that leaves things to chance, to randomness.  Pitifully, I have seen lives where the family breadwinner himself, when prodded as to what are his plans, he simply blurted, 'I'm waiting for Dubai opportunities'.  Whew.

So, how do we get back on track?  NOT simple but NOT too complex either.  Truth is, controlling your life does NOT mean you need to control everything that happens.  It means confidently moving forward with your own goals and priorities while embracing change as an inevitable part of life.  So how can you take back your life? THROW RANDOMNESS away✅✅✅

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