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Thursday, March 31, 2022

What FEAR & PANIC Bring?

What FEAR & PANIC Bring?

What FEAR & PANIC Bring?  Hmmm, must be a lot!  Let's start with the ABCD's.  ANXIETYBEDLAMCONFUSIONDEJECTION.  And it does not end up there because that litany can go on till 'Z'.   In short, that's the last thing we ever need to happen.  But the bigger challenge we need to answer is, how to manage once we're into those scenarios and better, how can we avert it.

Let's start off in a reactive mode.  How do we handle FEAR and PANIC.  First off with FEAR.  Many of us have our bunch of FEARS that seem to choke us around our neck just like that albatross.  But what's unfortunate is that most of us [wrongly] think and feel that those FEARS we now have are there to stay.  Absolutely OFF and WRONG.  Instead, we should be figuring out to overcome such fears and the simplest antidote to FEAR is to ignore it and just move on with your life.

Once we get caught up with all our FEARS, ending up paralyzed [at least mentally] is the next thing that happens.  And what comes next is you start to feel immobile.  You feel stalled.  You feel you can't move forward.  Why?  Because you have yet to IGNORE those FEARS.  Can you do a 'hard reboot' similar to the way our gadgets are revived when it hits the wall?

We DON'T want to get stalled in life, right?  But what stalls us?  Blame it on FEAR and PANIC over and over again.  DUMP away those FEARS but as regards PANIC, this is more the effect than the cause.  PANIC arises more as a result of our behavior.  Note that the same circumstances can be replicated across and trust me, you can be in a state of PANIC but the guy next to you remains as cool as a cucumber.

This covid pandemic is the best example.  It did sow FEAR and PANIC everywhere and it took the global village close to two years to overcome it.  Why did it drag to two long agonizing years?  It is because FEAR and PANIC enveloped us all✅✅✅

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