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Friday, March 4, 2022

The 'NEXT' May Come Years After

The 'NEXT' May Come Years After

Is 'NEXT' one of most heard expressions or reactions ever?  Applying for that job NEXT time.  Taking my masteral course NEXT semester.  Going for vacation NEXT year.  Buying my first property NEXT time.   Taking care of my health plan NEXT round.  At work, completing an audit compliance task NEXT week.  Repairing my relationship NEXT time around [when that 'PRIDE' thing is gone].  Resuscitating a bankrupt business till NEXT time when another bank can lend you financing capital.  Can we imagine if we continue to swim in the immense sheets of oceans with 'NEXT' floating all over the waters?
ok ok ok, everyone we utter 'NEXT', take it that we have FORFEITED our chance for an opportunity at hand OR we have let things slipped beyond us OR we have turned a BLIND EYE on what was up for our taking OR we have gambled that we'll be better off to let go of such chances hoping that the next time it comes, such opportunities will be much better, more rewarding and overall be worth more than what you let slipped past through your fingers, which were all done at your own risk.
To be fair, everyone of us is guilty of procrastination.  Even Mark Twain was credited with a quotation sympathetic to the indolent: 'NEVER PUT OFF TILL TOMORROW, WHAT YOU CAN DO THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW'.  And further he goes: 'KNOW THE TRUE VALUE OF TIME:  SNATCH, SEIZE AND ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF ITNo IDLENESS.  No LAZINESS.  No PROCRASTINATION.  On the flipside of things, Mark Twain goes further: 'ALWAYS PUT OFF UNTIL TOMORROW ANY EVIL YOU CAN DO TODAY'.
Now, for the sales pitch.  Why is it important NOT to put things off for tomorrow?  Besides the obvious reason that it won't get done, it also creates a kind of momentum.  To reference Newton's Law:  'AN OBJECT THAT IS AT REST WILL STAY AT REST UNLESS AN UNBALANCED FORCE ACTS UPON IT'.  The opposite is just as important.  Avalanches start when just the tiniest of pebbles or snowflakes bumps into just the right spot.  All that pent up potential energy is released and gathers speed, strength and momentum.  By putting off until tomorrow, you are robbing yourself of that 'Mighty Mo' a.k.a. MOMENTUM.
Now, how can we apply this in our life?  A project to do, something to start doing, something to stop doing, some cleaning that is needed, some rearranging of schedule, some habits that need to be modified.  Choose one for now and you can go back and try it.  Can you create a breakthrough?  What we mean here is one push alone won't get it done.  You would need an 'AVALANCHE of GRAVITY' so that eventually, you will stop invoking 'NEXT' over and over again ✅✅✅

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