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Tuesday, March 29, 2022



Let me ask this pointed question.  Do We Dread DEADLINES?  Me thinks, we do [and that includes me quite a few times in the past].  Why?  Me thinks because when a deadline is lurking around the corner, what happens next will be pressure compounded by that feeling of being harassed and hounded.  And what exacerbates things is because in most cases, deadlines are NON-NEGOTIABLE.

So, how do we deal then with DEADLINES?  As the old cliche goes, let's pull the bull by its horns because we DON'T want to end up like the hapless matadors in those popular events in Madrid.  Let's face the music.  Can't skirt around it. A hide and seek game won't work.  Where the deadline is unrealistic, haggle and negotiate for a realistic one.  If such timelines is rammed through your throat, at the very least, be transparent enough to the stakeholders that there is a fair chance you can't 'deliver the goods' as per the deadline.   That's a pre-emptive way of initiative a 'damage control' when your one foot seems doomed.

Let's go back to DREAMs.  Per se, we encourage dreaming because that is one of the most positive steps one can initiate.  But hold on, what explains a hell lot of FAILED DREAMS?  Not a simple answer but here's the commonality amongst most FAILED DREAMS.  A huge plurality of FAILED DREAMS didn't have pre-set deadlines and if there was, it was never taken seriously, never coveted, never committed to.  Where does that bring you?  When you keep dreaming with no deadlines at all?  You will be akin to those debris out in the wide expanses of sheets of water where it keeps floating with nary a direction.

In fact, this poster says it all.  SUCCESS loves SPEED, loves that PUSH, loves that ACCELERATION and loves that DEADLINE.  Take away any of these variables from the equation, there's a good [bad, in truth] chance that your envisioned success is doomed to fail.  Call this equation by any name but this formula for success is as common as our basic staples like bread and rice.

Final words.  Please DON'T DREAD DEADLINES.  Instead, let us EMBRACE DEADLINES because that will be the very catalyst that will ignite our engines and get it to accelerate and go for a full throttle.  DEADLINES are there to be egging us to reach out to our goals ON TIME❗❗❗

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