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Monday, March 21, 2022

Are Your Wings CLIPPED ?

Are Your Wings CLIPPED ?

How many times in life when you wanted to fly but it seemed as your wings were CLIPPED?  Now guess what happens next?  Your guess is as good as mine.  And likely, when our wings get clipped, what could have happened?  Absolutely nothing.  But if you were able to take off or initiate an attempt, likely that attempt failed or got aborted.  All simply because your wings were CLIPPED

Oh well, what does it exactly mean when your wings are CLIPPED?  You could be a diligent student and you have your [proven] way of getting ready for your next day exams.  Yet, in the middle of your studies, your parent or elder sibling walks in and literally dictates upon you what and how should you study.  Or you could be a diligent worker and during operations, you have identified improvement areas and wanted to initiate or introduce an innovation yet you're just fully aware of the ground rule at work which disallows any one to ever initiate or introduce any innovation except to hue to the operations manual.

Imagine yourself or your neck struggling to move forward because a huge heavy stone is tied around your neck.  How can you move forward if indeed your wings are CLIPPED? Let's delve into relationships.  How often have you heard a partner or a spouse [MEEKLY] complaining that she really feels suffocated in the relationship because she has to follow a long list of house rules that includes insane ground rules like [hold your breath].... You CAN'T go out of the house till I arrive.  You can't budget our finances unless I instruct you.  You can't decide on anything unless you clear everything to me, whew. 

Why do we need to unclip our wings?  Let me rattle off the reasons why.  First off, you need to LIVE YOUR LIFE.  Even if you are the pet child of your parents, even if you love your partner/spouse way beyond the roof, even if you very deeply respect your parents both as a filial respect and out of your local customs and traditions, please NEVER LOSE SIGHT that you got to LIVE YOUR LIFE because at the end of the day, you need to stand up by decisions you will make in life, regardless if they were the correct or wrong decisions.  In fact, with wrong decisions, you will have to bear the consequences, which will only mold you to be more mature.  There's no better way for you to get matured ❗❗❗

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