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Sunday, March 13, 2022

Never Listen to the NOISE

Never Listen to the NOISE

Oh well, we all live in a cacophonous world  of bedlam and sounds all rolled into one.  That should make us least surprised why there has been a hell lot of disconnect despite all the technology add-ons right on our fingertips.  Name it, you have it, whether it is connecting via bluetooth or having a noise-cancelling headset, not to mention all the audio conferencing tools. So how can we never Listen to the NOISE?

How often have you experienced processing so many inputs coming from so many sources, including the unsolicited ones and yet in the end, we would either end up with the wrong decisions or worse, ending up indecisive when one gets just too confused because of cacophonous 'NOISE' coming from various quarters.  Remember when you were contemplating as to what course to take in the university?
Or those times at work when you were doubtful and you ended up hearing from very opinionated colleagues, only to cause you to end up with an erroneous report?  Or remember those times when you were dead serious to commit in a relationship but there were opposing forces pulling you in opposite directions? And for entrepreneurs, how many times you Listened to the NOISE, leading you to wrong decisions?
And what could be the end result if you get way laid by the cacophonous noise all around you?  It is spelled C-H-A-O-S no less. When you become an 'UNWILLING CAPTIVE' to all the noise around you, you would lose control in coming up with 'INFORMED DECISIONS' because that's what matters most and Never to Listen to NOISE.
What's our end point then?  Envision coming up with INFORMED DECISIONS after thoroughly assessing all the PROs and CONs, after listening to all valid inputs and FILTERING anything and everything that is more akin to those unwanted noise.  Unfortunately in our lives, technology's offer for NOISE CANCELLATION is no help to fix and save us from that predicament.  Bottom line, never listen to the NOISE so that you will come up with INFORMED DECISIONS 📌📌📌

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