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Wednesday, March 9, 2022

How is it When You Lend a Hand ?

How is it When You Lend a Hand ?

Given a choice.  Would you be UP THEREOR would you rather be DOWN BELOW ? Me thinks, no one wants to be down there, struggling, gasping for breath, clutching on straws, hanging on for dear life [figuratively speaking though].  Everyone wants to get the upper hand.  But have we thought How is it When You Lend a Hand ?

Oh man, life is tough.  Trust me.  Been there.  Done that.  But as the old cliche goes, there's always a light at the end of the tunnel [and oooops, it's not that of an incoming train though].  Point is, there is always hope even when we're marginally teetering within the precipice of failure.  BUT here's the BUT ?  What if someone needs a HELPING HAND ?  Here's my piece of advice.  DON'T turn down that need for help if you can.  DON'T miss out that opportunity to be a HELPING HAND, if you can.  Why ?  There's a lot of intangibles.

Remember those days when we wooed our fav damsel when we swooned heads over heels ?  Now, swing over to real life scenarios when someone needs help. How is it When You Lend a Hand ?  Whatever it is within your means and capability, I can assure you that the feeling right after you lent a helping hand will be so indescribable.  You can't buy that feel good stuff, that sense of fulfillment.  And as the old cliche goes, if you exert or spend this much to lend a helping hand, it will bounce back to you twice or even triple times the magnitude or extent of your help.  And BTW, lending a hand is NOT limited to financials.  In the tracks we're threading, there are one too many OPPORTUNITIES to lend a hand.
More often, we would hear a 'lost soul' who needs to get back on track.  And how do we LEND A HAND here?  Counselling and guiding the person.  And even before that, it is ACTIVELY LISTENING to his situation that can give traction to your attempt to lead a person back to the right path.  Or it could be a health issue [e.g. someone who can't avoid alcohol or smoking].  
Your helping hand can come in handy through your patient but persistent persuasions for the person to realize that he's got to "CUT and CUT CLEAN" from either alcohol or smoking if such habits have now become inimical to a health condition that is turning from bad to worse.  Or if it is a strained relationship by your sibling or close friend, you can give your unsolicited advice, hoping that you can still save whatever goodwill is left out of a dying relationship on the throes of a final breakup.  In the fewest words, your HELPING HAND can be the WORLD of DIFFERENCE between PASSED or FAILED academic grades, SURVIVAL or FAILED health, REVIVED or FAILED relationships.  Please give this your serious thought please, if at all ✅✅✅

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