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Sunday, August 18, 2024

When Should We Be SILENT?

When Should We Be SILENT?

Yes folks, there is a fine line between expressing opinion and letting silence do the talking.  The difference often lies in wisdom.  Speaking out is about voicing your thoughts BUT often, the art of remaining SILENT can speak volumes without even uttering a single word.  We all encounter situations in life WHERE SILENCE is indeed recognized as GOLDEN.  The trick is figuring out WHEN to zip it and let the SILENCE work its magic.  In brief, this is a dilemma which we can preempt.  So, When Should We Be SILENT📙📘

Yes, navigating life is a bit like dancing, it's all about knowing WHEN to step forward and WHEN to take a step back.  OR even in some cases, WHEN to stay completely 'STILL'.  And by 'STILL', we're referring to SILENCE.  And I believe it is NOT difficult as to WHEN should we should be appropriately SILENT:  

WHEN emotions are high - Been there, done that.  We've all been there.  Tensions are rising, voices escalating and the air is practically humming with emotion💎💎💎
Researches show that emotional arousal impairs our ability to process information and moreso, make balanced decisions.  You see, WHEN we're heated up, our brain really goes 'BERSERK' or for analogy, it's like your iPhone going in AIRPLANE MODE.  In the end, we're more likely to say things we DON'T mean OR make decisions that we later regret.  It's a primal instinct that DOESN'T serve us well in most scenarios.  That's WHY experts vouch for the power of SILENCE in these moments💧💧💧
WHEN you're not informed enough - This is quite straightforward BUT experts claim that this is often overlooked.  If you AREN'T well-informed about a subject, it's best to remain SILENT.  As we live in an age of instant opinions and fast facts with information that seems to be overflowing in fact, it is easy to feel pressured to have a say in everything BUT let's be honest that's NOT always the best approach.  I've learned this the hard way.  In my early days of exploring mindfulness, I'd often jump into discussions with half-baked knowledge.  Then I realized that speaking without understanding muddles the waters💦💦💦
WHEN your words may harm others - This is quite difficult to swallow BUT experts advise that this is so vital.  While the right of speech is one of our fundamental aspects, it means abstaining from LYING, DIVISIVE SPEECH, HARSH SPEECH and even IDLE CHATTER.  If ever you find yourself in a situation WHERE your words may cause pain OR harm to another person, regardless if it is intentional OR not, it is wise to HOLD YOUR TONGUE.  

WHEN you need to listen - We're often so focused on being heard that we forget to listen.  Active listening is a skill, one that requires mindfulness.

WHEN SHOULD WE BE SILENT?  We should know❗❗❗

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