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Monday, August 26, 2024



More often than NOT, we would hear the sage advice of STAYING THE COURSE.... BUT is that the best course of action?  At various points in our life, everyone of us will find ourselves at the crossroads, grappling with an idea, a plan OR probably a game-changing decision to make.  In the workplace, it will be more challenging for leaders as it is vital to know WHEN to have the courage to forge ahead despite apprehensions and sometimes dissenting voices around📗📙📘

On either case, it requires a grounding of solid conviction, healthy personal resilience and an unsullied willingness to face the attendant risks and accept the potential consequences of potentially being WRONG.  BUT before we get whacked as to WHY we now seem to be aggressively pushing for ACTION and CHANGE [instead of STAYING THE COURSE], it is imperative that any decision we will arrive at must be an INFORMED decision [based on all valid information that are available.  Better still, if you can consult someone WHO went through that similar situation in the past, picking their brains for their previous experience💥💥💥

Regardless, once you have 'CROSSED THE RUBICON', remember there is NO turning back and instead, you are able to confidently DEFEND [even to your self-doubts] your decision, should you need to.  This should have the effect of giving you confidence in your position.  BUT if it DOESN'T, seriously consider revisiting your original set of options which led you to go through your decision-making process.  It is best to initiate a post-mortem because you'll learn from it💧💧💧
Frankly, let's call a spade a spade here.  Let's keep things simple enough.  Life is NOT to be maintained.  Instead, it is to be taken word.  That just gives life some flavor BUT if you DON'T, it's all like a dish without any taste.  Things can be maintained for sure.  BUT things CAN'T be the same forever.  To quote an anonymous one-liner, STAYING THE SAY IS A NIGHTMARE'.  Even for competitive sportsmen, we could hear them say, "I AM READY TO FAIL A HUNDRED TIMES BUT I CAN'T BE THE SAME AT ANY COST".  Indeed, that is the enviable mindset of HIGH PERFORMERS.  They value progression over stagnancy as it's more of a ritual for them❎❎❎
Our takeaway:  Let us NOT play it safe [unless there are PRESSING reasons to play safe? WHY?  Because by STAYING THE COURSE, you will insist to be on the same place with the same set of opinions.  BUT hey, everyone now should be at a different level of obsession.  It's like hearing, 'CHANGE YOUR CIRCLE'.  The opinions you hear are going to change. BUT if such new opinions sound WISE, it is because it is WISE.  Let's NOT STAY THE COURSE❗❗❗

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