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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

When Can We Always Have 'SENSE of URGENCY'?

When Can We Always Have 'SENSE of URGENCY'?

The conventional wisdom tells us that that SENSE OF URGENCY should happen ONLY IF there is an URGENCY.  Really?  Are you NOT kidding?  I totally disagree with that and that's the widespread dilemma because most of us are taking things literally and when we hear URGENCY, it gets equated to something that's a serious medical situation, an accident or an unexpected event that necesitates URGENCYWhen Can We Always Have 'SENSE of URGENCY'❓❓❓

Thing is, creating a SENSE OF URGENCY is [VERY] rarely talked about WHEN discussing all of the required characteristics that make up the highly successful BUT without doubt, it is a pre-requisite for SUCCESS in our personal life, in our work life, in our business life.  It is just important to approach each assignment, task and project with extreme care and focus, BUT being a perfectionist often hinders that SENSE OF URGENCY neededπŸ’ŽπŸ’ŽπŸ’Ž

The challenge is WHETHER it is letting your perfectionism slow your growth OR waiting for the perfect moment rather than creating a SENSE OF URGENCY to make it happen and get it done, you must be deliberate in your efforts to identify a SENSE OF URGENCY in all that you do.  People WHO live with a SENSE OF URGENCY also live their lives with purpose and meaning.  They wake up everyday with purpose and possess an inner urgency that drives them to deliver on itπŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯
Through the years, the amount of people I have witnessed WHO really obviously have that LACK OF URGENCY either in their personal OR professional lives sabotage their SUCCESS and full potential is unbelievable. Quality will always matter and perfectionism can be a great asset BUT productivity, efficiency and speed are equally important✅✅✅
Our takeaway:  Much as we want to to take our own performance to the next level, the common problem is that many of us are busy PERFECTING one aspect, and they end missing the opportunity to expand beyond it.  This LACK OF URGENCY stumps growth.  So many others walk around unfulfilled wishing they had acted on WHAT they were passionate about OR an idea that they truly wanted to move on BUT the LACK OF URGENCY does prevent them from ever getting started.  WHEN can we always have a SENSE OF URGENCY❗❗❗

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