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Sunday, August 11, 2024

Is BALANCING Act A Fallacy?

Is BALANCING Act A Fallacy?

The ongoing Paris Olympics has been on the headlines for several weeks now and it's that expected as we witness world-class athletes prove their supremacy in their respective fields.  Now, Is BALANCING Act A Fallacy?  Do we think the olympic champions did run their lives with a BALANCING ACT?  Balancing training vis-a-vis family and even personal relationship???

It's a loud NO sirrrrrrs.  They NEVER ran that BALANCING ACT in their life.  Instead, their uncompromising priority was their trainings.  Anything and everything else would play either second, third, fourth fiddle as long as those did NOT compromise OR impact their trainings.  I was never onsite at Paris Olympics BUT WHEN I pictured myself interviewing the olympic medallists, I am cocksure that they will give credit to their training regimen [and that includes coaches and even training facilities]!!!

Before I get bashed for riding on the bandwagon and the coat tails of the olympic champions, we can sing in unison that the first key in SUCCESS for these athletes was their uncompromising DEDICATION to their training.  This means having a 'laser focus' on your goals and being willing to put in the HARD WORK to achieve them.  WHETHER it means getting up early for extra training sessions OR staying up late to study game techniques even on video, these DEDICATED athletes understand that every minute counts and that they must make the most of every opportunity to improve.  And they NEVER stop there💥💥💥

These olympic champions understand that achieving their goal requires making sacrifices and managing their time wisely.  They must be willing to say NO to distractions even like social media OR hanging out with friends and instead focus on their trainings and schedules.  Oh yes, there is one word that is a bit contentious and indeed controversial WHEN we talk about SACRIFICES BUT WHILE we often talk about making SACRIFICES to achieve our goals, it's imperative to remember that their training was at the top of the totem pole✅✅✅

Our takeaway:  Ultimately, the success of these athletes were left in their very own hands.  Those WHO are UNCONDITIONALLY willing to focus on their trainings [with NO compromise] will determine their level of success and those with that uncompromising dedication are more likely to succeed than those WHO are NOT.  We heard this same refrain NOT just from the recent olympic medalists BUT even from the losers WHO, mostly admitted, they were ill-prepared to compete for various factors affecting their trainings.  So IS BALANCING ACT A FALLACY?  Yes it is❗❗❗

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