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Friday, August 16, 2024

Oversharing Gone Overboard

Oversharing Gone Overboard 

Long time back, what is personal, it's private and what is public, it's there 'wide open'.  This is where even museums were popular before because that's where things publicly shared are officially out there for your naked eyes.  Fast forward today, the line between private and public information has never been more blurred, whether you blame it on social media, reality TV or is it all because of that Covid-19 pandemic that caused Oversharing Gone Overboard๐Ÿ“—๐Ÿ“™๐Ÿ“˜

Chances are high that at one point or another, you and me have been guilty of OVERSHARING which, in literary parlance, is described as 'exclusively talking about personal matters and neglecting to volley the conversation back and forth'.  How many posts do we witness whether in Facebook, Instagram or elsewhere?  Do your friends and even co-workers know every intimate detail about your last [previous] relationship!@#$%?

OR worse, does every conversation somehow turn into a personal monologue?  It's great to be authentic and personable BUT you might be going too far with HOW much information you unload on those around you?  BUT we might hear from many naysayers like, WHAT'S WRONG WITH OVERSHARING?  There are simple, logical and practical [call it 'common sense'] reasons WHY OVERSHARING is really a NO-NO❌❌❌

YOU could be putting yourself at risk [or worse] in danger by revealing too much to the wrong person.  YOU could be treating someone as your FRIEND now but WHO knows if NEXT month, NEXT year[s], he/she has turned into your ENEMY?  And WHEN that happens, WHAT happens to everything you 'trustingly' SHARED to him/her during those times WHEN you were 'chummy-chummy'?  YOU may even tend to alienate people WHO would feel uncomfortable with the amount of 'personal' information you are SHARING.  At worst, YOU could even be taken advantage WHEN recounting problems to people WHO DON'T have your best interest in mind๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ๐Ÿ˜Œ

Our takeaway:  Dig up the most probable reasons you're OVER-SHARING.  Is it because of your FALSE sense of intimacy?  OR is it because you're finding solace in a stranger? In that case, that could be a case of MISPLACED trust.  OR is there a misguided attempt to kind of 'fast track' a relationship?  OR there are just poor [call it blurred] boundaries between you and that supposed TRUSTED one?  All these indeed point us to OVERSHARING GONE OVERBOARD❎❎❎

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