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Monday, August 5, 2024



WHO says we humans are infallible?  WHO says we're clothed with teflon such that we WON'T and CAN'T FAIL?  I think this is a given and no one will dare to argue BUT why DON'T we ask ourselves, How To FAIL RIGHT?  Because in the first place, we CAN'T just shrug off our shoulder each time we fall flat and FAILWHETHER a FAILURE causes only a dent OR you turn black and blue, How To FAIL RIGHT???

Thing is, the two parameters of FAILURE are HOW and WHY you FAILED as that differentiates the GOOD versus the BAD type of FAILURES.  While the GOOD types are more related to experimentation, the BAD types are more related to inattention or lack of training.  The thing is, nobody wants to FAIL.  In fact, where possible, we have to avoid FAILURE at all costs.  BUT analysts believe that there are three things to know about FAILURE, namely:  THAT it happens.  THAT it can be destructive in ways you would have never expected OR imagined.  THAT there was a 'RIGHT WAY' to do it, thus averting OR avoiding it.  BUT what separates the GOOD FAILURES versus the BAD FAILURES?  It is the way we handle it forward💧💧💧

First things first, inspirational speakers tell us that "FAILURE IS AN OPTION".  Now, to align definitions, let us peg OPTION to CHOICES, meaning, if you had an OPTION, you had that CHOICE to make and decide.  Nevertheless, once FAILURE did hit us, first thing to do is to SEPARATE THE FAILURE FROM THE PERSON.  Else, tying up a person to a failure taints things and it could lead us to a biased judgment, like, 'OH, IT HAPPENS WHEN IT'S JOHN WHO DOES IT'!@#$%?

So, WHY do we need to separate the FAILURE from the person?  Retracting the steps to understand WHAT went wrong helps you to be less emotional and go straight to FAILURE itself because the first step to deal with FAILURE is to accept it.  IF in the first place we DON'T admit it, there is NOTHING to talk about.  So, you have to admit something has been proven wrong and from there, analyze the FAILURE with the basic questions of:  WHAT happened?  WHY did it happen?  Is it because of you?  OR is it because of a situation???

Experts talk about the ATTRIBUTION Theory which distinguishes DISPOSITIONAL versus SITUATIONAL attribution.  Like when a FAILURE happened, with DISPOSITIONAL attribution, you will say 'THIS WENT WRONG BECAUSE I DID NOT DO MY BEST' whereas in SITUATIONAL attribution, you will endeavor to find the causes from the situation.  Our takeaway:  Even when you believe you FAILED because of WHAT you did, FAILURE can be told as something that happens to you and NOT something that you are.  In a nutshell, this is what experts are saying HOW TO FAIL RIGHT💥💥💥

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