[Whether You're GAME or Not] We're In This GAME Of LIFE
I hope this is a no-brainer. Whether You're GAME or Not, We're In This GAME Of LIFE. Luckily for us, most RULES of the GAME are defined and laid out crystal clear enough way before the games commence. That's just fair and square. BUT WHAT IF someone changes the rules in the middle of the game OR transaction and in the end, putting you at a disadvantage? Yes, we're all creatures of habit WHO like to establish routines that are comfortable and that we feel that we control. We live and base decisions based on those habits and the rules as they exist. At some point, though, nearly all of us realize that we're NOT in control of as much as we desire. In addition, experience RULES change either by law, by court edict OR some other force way beyond our controlπππ
Factually, the sports arena is NOT the only place where game-changing plays are made. We make them in business deals, in our career, in relationships, through innovations, strategic visions and more. Even in the non-profit world, lives are dedicated to 'CHANGING' the game in areas that need it most. Experts counsel us that in the middle of the 'GAMES IN LIFE', the most basic questions we need to ask ourselves are 'WHAT GAME AM I PLAYING?' and 'HOW IS MY CURRENT GAME SHAPING THE WAY I SHOW UP AND THE ACTIONS I TAKE?' Once we identify the 'GAME' we're playing, we can go even further to ask ourselves questions like 'WHAT ARE THE RULES OF THE GAME?'π¦π¦π¦
Such questions can begin to illuminate WHAT is running us in the background. Only when we see the game we are already playing, can we choose to create a different game. This is an important capacity both in our personal lives and even as leaders. There was this one-liner which says, 'CHANGE THE GAME, AND THE GAME CHANGES YOU'. And frankly, let's admit that we are all creatures of habit WHO like to establish ROUTINES comfortable to usπ₯π₯π₯
It's true we live based on the rules of our country, city, local authority, employer, family, culture and maybe possibly more. We make decisions that will benefit us and our family based on these rules. BUT sometimes CHANGES made in the RULES we live by happen suddenly and with little OR no notice. At a minimum, they disrupt our routine and force us to adapt to return to a comfortable lifeπ§π§π§
Our takeaway. WHEN rules CHANGE in the middle of the game of life, it DOESN'T mean that we SHOULDN'T play OR strive to achieve our goals and dreams. It DOESN'T mean that we should anticipate unexpected changes, prepare for different alternatives, recognize CHANGE as early as possible and adapt to the CHANGES in order to minimize loss and maximize success. The difference can be described as NOT playing out of a fear of loss, NOT playing and taking risks without a complete understanding of the game BUT playing the game taking calculated risks to improve our likelihood of success❗❗❗
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