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Monday, June 10, 2024

That Habit Of WORRYING

That Habit Of WORRYING

Here we go again, That Habit Of WORRYING.  HOW's things?  Are you still plagued by constant WORRIES, fears and anxious thoughts, especially ABOUT things you seem you CAN'T control?  So, it seems we're back one full circle [again], now for us to figure out WHAT and HOW to find the final FIX if only it is feasible for us to eventually stop WORRYING and thus, end the endless loops of our anxious thoughts💦💦💦

It's true that WORRIES, doubts and even anxieties are a normal part of life.  WHO does NOT and did NOT have one in one's life?  The family man would probably worry about the unpaid bills.  The teenager might WORRY about his first date.  The jobseeker is obviously WORRYING about his next upcoming job interview [after NOT hearing at all from all the previous job interviews].  BUT please do NOT get me wrong, those WORRIES are legit💎💎💎

BUT here's the big BUTWHEN 'normal' WORRIES do become excessive or more frequent or worst, habitual to a point that it becomes persistent and uncontrollable, then we have a legit issue at hand.  WHEN you worry almost every day about "WHAT IFs" and worst-case scenarios, you CAN'T get anxious thoughts out of your head and then, it tends to interfere even with your daily life.  Constant WORRYING, negative thinking and always expecting the worst can take a toll on your emotional and physical health.  It may even sap your emotional strength, then leave you feeling restless and jumpy and worse, it may cause insomnia, headaches, tension and it may impact your concentration to the activities you pursue💧💧💧

Worse, you may even take your NEGATIVE feelings out on the people closest to you, and even self-medicate with either drugs OR alcohol, OR try to distract yourself by ZONING out in front of screens.  Chronic WORRYING can also be a major symptom of Generalized Anxiety Disorder [GAD].  And while GAD is a common anxiety disorder, it impacts even tension, nervousness and a general feeling of unease that colors your whole life, unfortunately.  BUT all is NOT lost at that point though💥💥💥

Now, let's take a step back.  At some points in our life, surely, each of us was/were an incessant WORRIER.  Allow me to confess that in the past, I was a master of WORRYING.  BUT here's the catch.  WHAT IF an experienced WORRIER tells you that there is a simple method that puts a permanent end to your WORRYING?  So, is it hard to stop WORRYINGYES and NONO because we can figure it out, that is, if you want to.  Let's take a leaf from what experts advise us [based on their studies]:

  • Create a 'DAILY WORRY' period.  Define a fixed window [like 500pm to 530pm].  During this period, YES you can WORRY
  • Now, CHALLENGE ANXIOUS thoughts.  If you suffer from chronic anxiety and worry, chances are you look at the world n ways that make it seem more threatening than it really is.  And when a new WORRY comes, ask yourself if you can control it?  Running a problem makes you worry BUT WORRYING and problem solving are two different things to fix.  That HABIT OF WORRYING❌❌❌

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